Saturday, 4 October 2008


Don't panic!!! we've not had snow yet here in Great Cornard.......though we did have our first FROST last night. I admit at the moment I've relented and put the gas fire on for a while.....

Actually I'm snowed under with reading and writing up notes. I can't believe how much paperwork I've got in my folders and we've only just finished the second week! Admittedly despite the reading lists being VERY LONG we are not expected to read everything; though all class handouts are a must.....but it's all so interesting that I'm trying to lay my hands on anything I can. It's much too expensive to buy all the books suggested (even on ebay or Amazon etc) but quite a few I've managed to get from the Uni library or my local library in Sudbury. I'm make great use of e-resources too. I've discovered Google Books and some of the books I need to read have limited previews on there and my Google Library is slowly growing.

I may well have mentioned on a previous post that the three modules for this semester (up until Christmas) are
'An Introduction to Drama' (Sophocles' Antigone, The Glass Menagerie, Macbeth and The Dolls House)
'From Cradle to Grave'.......England 1560-1720...seeking to understand the "otherness" of the past
'An Introduction to Political Ideas'....Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Wollstonecraft, Utilitarianism, Marx, Lenin, Nietzsche, deBeauvoir and Fascism


I've my first essay to write too.....'Death in Antigone'

Nikiphoros Lytras, Antigone in front of dead Polynikes (1865)
Oil on canvas, 100 x 157 cm. National Gallery of Athens

Still not quite sure how I'm going to afford being at Uni for the next 3 lodger or job yet!....but one bit of good news is I've managed to get a lift to and fro with another girl who lives in Sudbury. It does mean a bit of a walk to get to her house but paying my share of the petrol is about £8 cheaper a week than going by bus. Even better still it means I get home about an hour earlier than I would if I went by public transport.

Gosh...all this chat about Uni...I'm going to have to change the title of my blog to Me, My Life, University and My Garden (when I get the time to garden)! Actually the garden is still doing quite well despite a little neglect over the last couple of weeks. When I have set a day to one side to do gardening it's peed down with rain.....maybe the powers that be are giving me a sign that I should get back to those books!

Speaking of money....I found some fabulous bargains at our local seems they had over ordered their fruit and vegetables and were selling bags of carrots, potatoes, name it they had it on offer.....all for between 5p and 10p a bag! I do hope that who ever did the ordering didn't get into too much trouble as they have certainly done me a favour...I'll definitely be having my '5 a day' for the next week or so.

fruit and scales

Before I do return to my essay and books.....just time for a quick plug for this years Blogblast for peace..........................

Just click on the banner to learn more!


CG said...

You really got me startled with your title!! i was imagining a blizzard. Good news about the lift and the fruit and veg!

Akelamalu said...

Great bargain fruit and veg. You could fill up your freezer with blanched veg, veg soup and stewed fruit!

Good to hear you're enjoying the course Ruth. x

Anonymous said...

Really good bargain fruit and veg.

I haven't been keeping up with blogs recently, but I dropped in on yours and was so happy to see and hear about a little bit of Great Cornard. I used to live there some years ago, then in Sudbury. Now I live in Shropshire, but it's nice to be reminded of my old homes.

And thanks for the link to the Blog Blast for Peace. I'll certainly join in with that.


Libbys Blog said...

Lots going on with you, I think as a student you don't have to pay council tax, but I expect you know that!
Bargain fruit and veg buys too, well done.
Hope everything pans out for you soon!

Icarus said...

Me too, startled by the title, but then even more startled by the Google book list...actually, I am amazed by it. And the module on Political Ideas; I noticed that neither GW Bush nor T. Blair appear in the list :-).
I am really excited about your course. It's what lit.students like to call "pithy", at least in my day. A heavy load, sure, but you just must get through and above all, enjoy it. Nothing beats studying just for its own pleasure.

I used to love it when that happened in Tesco's or Sainsbury's. After 12.5 years here, I am not sure if I've entirely got over living without a Tesco, Sainsbury, or M & S food hall yet. The worst is that their French equivalent, Carrefour, that were here for years have pulled out of Portugal & that has been a huge loss - discounts or no discounts. But at least we still get bulls running in the streets...:-((.
My news on mine,

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Horray for TEsco reduced stuff! They overstokt on frozen salmon peeces larst munth an we ar eetin lots an lots ov it. Sam is enjoyin it cos he's an Alaskan Grizzly. He likes salmon an that sorta thing.

Me, I prefer choklit peanuts but they havent redewst eny ov those.....

Best ov luk wiv the reedin!

Nose hugs!


wendi722 said...


Thanks for sharing Google Books with the online community. I'm a huge fan of Google so i'll be exploring that site soon thanks to you! =) Speaking of books, Save the Children provides educational resources for children that are less fortunate.

I am particularly enthusiastic about Save the Children because I love kids believe in their mission in working together to help needy children in the United States and around the world through healthcare and education.

Trip Advisor is running a campaign to give away $1 million total to five great causes, including Save the Children. I hope you will write about this amazing campaign, and encourage people to vote for Save the Children!

Please post the link to vote: :
Please help us ask people to vote! (It only takes 10 seconds to vote for them. The more votes they receive, the more money will go towards Save the Children.)

I have a widget as well if you'd like to include it.

I will be blogging about the campaign through a Trip Advisor site ( and I would be happy to post about your blog as well. Please let me know if you would like more information and I'll keep you updated on the voting progress!
I would really appreciate anything you can do to help us spread the word and ask people to vote.

Thanks so much,
Wendy Huang

Mauigirl said...

Ruth, just catching up so apologies for this late comment on your most recent post. Hope you are reading the comments even if not having time to blog lately! Your courses sound wonderful and intriguing. If I had it to do over again I think I'd have been an English/History major instead of Communications (I did minor in English though).

Just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm thinking of you! Wish us luck on this upcoming election - our country is a mess.

Pat said...

Hi Ruth! It's been awhile since I was here. I need to catch up!


Guelph Daily Photo

Gledwood said...

Good luck with it all...

talking about cold it's still FREEZING here!!




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creative blogger

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