Dona Nobis Pacem
I intend to leave that to them; I want to post about peace slightly nearer to home. Over the last few months I've seen so many of my friends arguing with their loved ones; husbands, children and friends.
Monday would have been Mick's and my Wedding Anniversary. We were one of those couples who seldom argued; maybe a small disagreement now and then; but we were both of the same mind....that in the great scheme of life...petty trifles were negligible.
I see my friends arguing over such silly things....I want to bash their heads together and remind them how lucky they are to be together...I want to tell them the sadness they would feel if they lost the person they were arguing with.
All over the world people are fighting and dying for peace for far nobler causes than...coming in half an hour late for dinner...having the one drink too many and falling asleep.....forgetting to buy the milk on the way home from work..etc etc etc!!!
My one small voice may not be able to stop the wars around the world...but if it will make you stop and think and prevent one petty squabble...who knows...maybe like a pebble dropped into a lake...the ripples of peace will spread.

Peace to everyone, both far away and close to home.
A lovely post Ruth, and so true. I am so lucky that we don't argue much either, but it does make you think, and thank you for that. x
Amen to that, I hope your wish comes true, for all our sakes.
I echo your sentiments. People bicker about things that don't matter at all. Peace.
I was wondering what you are up to. It's been a while since I visited your blog. Beautiful poem and thank you for the reminder to be grateful for our loved ones as this life is very fleeting and we must enjoy each moment. I have a friend, Todd at "Peace through Pottery" who would love this post too. I will forward him your link. Thank you again for your wisdom.
Oh very well said Ruth! Peace should start at home.
Monday must have been a really hard day for you m'dear. xx
Totally with you on this one Ruth! So much so that I have been considering a course of some sort but I see so little of hubby because of his long hours I don't want to go at night! He might forget who I am lol!!!
Lovely to see you blogging.
I tried to leave a messege this a.m. I wrote about your blog post and you inspired me to also write a "peace blog". Thank you, Ruth.
I stopped a family free for all just this morning!!
It was all about who goes where for Thanksgiving.
I fixed it without them even realizing what I was doing.
Felt good.
Maybe I should go to Washington? LOL
Great to see you blogging again!!!
and the words are so true, if I look to my own home sometimes. With 4 generations of women living together, all is not a picnic everyday, but we do try to make life happy for everybody everyday.
Yes, you are right. Very wise, dear Ruth!
Ahh...Ruth, this is a lovely post. Thank you for blogging for peace with us today. Your globe is beautiful and I love what you said about peace in our homes. It is so true.
Peace to you and yours,
That's certainly as worthy a goal as is world peace, because we can't very well extend peace beyond our own front doors if we don't have it inside the house.
Peace to you and yours.
Excellent post for peace, Ruth. It's true - peace has to begin at home. If we can't get along with people on an individual basis, how can we expect whole countries to get along?
I managed to miss this Peace Globe blogswarm this year - I guess I was too caught up in the election! (I'm still walking on air from the result! It truly is a new day!)
A beautiful post Ruth and oh so true............Peace to you and yours
Much love
Auds xx
I often feel the same way - only about my Mother. I too lost my spouse 4 years ago... but ultimately my greatest loss was that of my Mother 5 years ago. I miss her every day - and I envy those who still have Mothers alive with which to share their lives. Love and hugs to a mutual friend of our Stew. Great post.
Hi Ruth
How cool to see you back!
Thanks for the last message, I had been meaning to get back to you for ages but ended up in such a pickle...
take care
Hi Ruth
How cool to see you back!
Thanks for the last message, I had been meaning to get back to you for ages but ended up in such a pickle...
take care
Hi Ruth
How cool to see you back!
Thanks for the last message, I had been meaning to get back to you for ages but ended up in such a pickle...
take care
Hi Ruth
How cool to see you back!
Thanks for the last message, I had been meaning to get back to you for ages but ended up in such a pickle...
take care
I always thought peace and good vibes would spread like a wildfire of their own, if only people gave them a chance.
But of course it will never happen because just about every person alive (and of course I include myself in this) has an inner urge to take more than they're willing to give. If only we could reverse this proclivity, MAGNIFICENT WONDERS WOULD ENSUE!! ;->...
A beautiful post and a beautiful time to post it.
Ruth come back to us! I still miss you to this day...
Ruth I hope all is OK with you...
Here's wishing you Very Merry Festivities and a fantastic 2009!
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