Thanks Akelamula

A 1st Birthday Gift to my Blogpals
Thanks Shaz

Thanks Skittles...worn with pride

Hi Ruth,
Not long come back from the Remembrance service in my local town, there were more people than ever, I really think it is more in the publics mind at present.Good to see all ages represented.
Cheers Mark
We will never forget.
The courage of the men and women who fought and died for us never ceases to leave me feeling humbled.
For me, these are some of the most beautiful words ever.
I forgot to mention I will be on the wiggly podcast tomorrow, if you would like to hear my dulcet tones, the link is on the top right of my blog.
Cheers Mark
Beautiful post for this Veteran's Day!
We will not forget!
Beautiful words, beautiful poster. I will always be grateful for the sacrifices made by veterans, and will never forget.
'They shall not grow old,
As those that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them'
Beautiful lines from a very moving poem. Thanks for posting this, Ruth.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, Ruth. I also haven't a clue why I can't see any of your text. What's even weirder is I can see bits of it while your blog is opening, then once it's completely open, I can no longer see it. Oh, well. Like I said before, I'll continue to look and try to find the Comments spot in the vast whiteness so that I can at least let you know how much I've enjoyed your photos.
By the way, I can read the wonderful text beneath the poppy/cross graphic--is that text attached to the graphic?
I am very thankful that I can read that heartfelt sentiment.
beautifull post
With the recent Blogblast for peace and then Remembrance day today it really brings home to us all the sadness of war and the sacrifice made by so many people from so many nations in the strive for peace. Thank you all for your comments
Lynette; no the text is seperate from the picture...I wonder if it makes a difference to your viewing that the text is in black on the dark background rather than white? I'll change my font colour to black and see if it makes a difference.
Lest we forget..thank you Ruth..
Head bowed low day.
Nice tribute Ruth
Lest we forget. I never will. I've taught my grandsons about Remembrance Day since the time they were babies. My oldest grandson attended the Remembrance Day services when he was just over a year old. This year he purchased a poppy from school and wore it proudly.
Thanks for sharing.
I like the phrase "THE GLORIOUS DEAD" ...
... "like"~?
well I think you know what I mean. I find those words very moving
Happy Veterans Day.
Just popping in to say hello. I've been out of pocket lately....hope your classes are going well.....Betty
Well said, Ruth.
Ruth, that's beautiful!
I am so aware of all the shattered lives of the young soldiers who are struggling to get help after being maimed in the Irag war. Our government is not doing all it could to ease their pain and suffering.
Nice Poem. Hugs to you.
Great minds think alike...I posted the same poem with the same post title on November 11th.
I hadn't been familiar with that poem until we went to Australia back in 1988 and ate our dinner at the local RSL (a club for veterans). At 6 p.m. sharp they turned out all the lights, everyone stood, and they recited the poem. Apparently they did it every evening.
The poem is very moving and certainly makes us think of those who have sacrificed themselves in all of the many wars.
It is one of those facts of life that I cannot possibly forget. Too strog, too horrible, too sad, but inestimably necessary to remember. Unlike such banality as who Heather Mills McCartney is, or what the Spice Girls looked like 10 years ago. Which are apparently the only things that have importance these days. People gotta be lucky to be so ignorant, so lightweight.
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