Friday, 9 November 2007


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No I've not posted my photos upside down.......these were reflections of the sky in our local river.

The Environment Agency has warned of a "major" tidal surge - rising from a combination of gale force winds and a high tide - to hit the east coast of England. Severe flood warnings are in place along much of the Norfolk, Suffolk and Kent coasts and across the Anglian region. I understand many families in Norfolk have had to evacuate their homes as a precautionary measure. My thoughts are with them all.

I'm happy to say the Maths Afterschool Club passed with no bloodshed. I must say though that in all my years of being a child at school and having children and grandchildren I've never met such a misbehaved child as one of them in the group. Such a shame as it distracts the others who would be more willing to learn. I shall persevere though!


mrsnesbitt said...

I heard on our local news the A174 was shut at Sandsend just outside Whitby due to theweather. I was thinking about you when I heard the news. East Coast eh? Take Care.


Marie said...


JK said...

Perseverance will bring you far. All the best to you.

CG said...

Lovely photos. Hope you keep dry and safe.

SandyCarlson said...

These are lovely! Immersing the whole world in water is fun! Such a great play on perspective.

Gledwood said...

Cue my "all children deserve publick whippinge" post... OK I didn't really say that but Michael Buerk plus 3 chums out of 4 on Radio 4's Moral Maze disagreed with me! (Only the Tory Michael Portillo was on my side - quite remarkably...)

PS I've posted up some cats, snakes that have made friends with hamsters... (both in Japan, strangely)

Andrea said...

The first pictures looked like they were upside down. Then I saw they were the reflection in the water. Great pictures.

Lilli & Nevada said...

That was so cool, good thing you mentioned the upside down photo, as i said to myself why did she do that?. Great work.

Dick said...

We have the same warnings here. Beautiful pictures.

Tom said...

Beautiful reflections Ruth..

We have had strong wind for the last 2-3 nights, nothing as bad as that which was predicted.. it seems it was not as bad as expected, but at least preperations were in place before, and not scrambled together after.

Sharon said...

Beautiful, I love reflection pics :)

Unknown said...

All is well, flood wise (apart from a few streets in Great Yarmouth). Nice pics, as usual.
I have a new one of the cherry tree.

Akelamalu said...

Oh yes it has been all over the news today about the tidal wave. Hope it's not as bad as they're predicting!

Glad to hear the maths class went well Miss. :)

Suzi-k said...

Brave lady, as Denise said the other day, kids today don't seem to be the same sweet little angels we were in our youth... hehe.
Clever skywatch photos!

Oswegan said...

I heard that there was quite a storm brewing over your way.

I like your reflections.


Unknown said...

Lovely pics Ruth. Have a great weekend and watch out for the weather!

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

hmmmmm Ruth,
I was looking first than reading hahha Yes/no not upsidedown but reflected. Interesting views...

Strange about thosekids behaviours, here parents get 'lost' in their misbehaved kids and say" they must still grow" , I don't agree, I don't know why the kids are like that, you?

BTW;) I leave for a week to paris for my birthday ,and our 20th anniversary, I left a slideshow from my last nature-works, Leaving-leaves, please take a look,

Miss you JoAnn :)

Berni said...

My mother came from Norfolk. Lovely photos

Paulie said...

Beautiful sky reflections. I have some of those taken at Salmon creek near my home. I am new to this meme but I have 6 photos to share this week if you care to look.

Andree said...

Isn't that the best way to see the sky, as a reflection in water? Absolutely beautiful. I heard about your storms on our national news. I hope everyone is OK.

Janice said...

What beautiful photos! The water is so still, it's hard to tell the trees from the reflections!

RUTH said...

Many thanks for your comments. I live far away enough from the coast not to have been troubled by the hide tide. Thankfully it didn't cause as much damage as had been predicated. The high winds do mean that the tree in my post on Thursday is now completely leafless and the front garden is now covered with leaves from the councils trees on the green outside. A small price to pay and an excuse to do some gardening :o)

Annie said...

You were quite lucky to capture Tursday's tree before the strong winds, Ruth. It's a blessing that the storm didn't do more damage there. We heard all the warnings here in the U.S. and of course I've been concerned about all the British bloggers I touch base with each day or so.

Silly student, the one who stirred up the ruckus! Forbearance, Ruth. Onward.

Peaceful/Paisible said...

passing by for the evening kiss...keep you in my thoughts...

Angie said...

Hi, Ruth,
Superb photos.Thankfully, I don't think the really severe weather which was predicted actually happened.

Lynette said...

Beautiful photos, Ruth. I wish I could see your text, too. But I'll keep coming back now and then to look.

Chrissie said...

Dear Ruth. I have been thinking of you this weekend, we saw the warnings on the news. I do hope you are ok. Your photos are beautiful, I love reflections in water!

Jeanette said...

Hi Ruth
I too thought you posted your pics upside down. lovely photos showing the lovely still reflection...
Love all the flowers in your garden.,and im crazy about your fuchias is the double white "Bellarina"... Take care ...

Mary said...

Your photos are marvelous. Thanks so much for sharing. The reflections are so beautiful.

Thanks also for posting on reasures to Me blog. I enjoyed your comments.





Thanks Akelamula


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Thank you from Ruth


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creative blogger

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