My Thursday Thought this week is more of a question....
The view from the bedroom window is Autumn....
But I took these photos in the garden at the weekend........Spring? Summer?
Another thought is that my Blogposts may have to be confined to ABC WEDNESDAY, A THURSDAY THOUGHT and SKY WATCH FRIDAY....all posts I can do in draft over the weekend and just added to if/when I have anything else interesting to say. The pace/workload has upped now we are out of the Key Concepts stage. Who would have thought that a few weeks ago the nearest I got to literature were my blogposts...now I'm doing various critical anlayses (is that the plural of analysis?)...or should it be analysi...like octopus and octopi? Also "Exploration of attitudes and arguements" essays, "Compare and contrast" essays, I need to re-read Silas Marner (this time not for pleasure but looking at the theme of childhood), look at a couple of fairytales to see how they underpin gender identity (and do the same for advertisements) plus conduct an interview with a parent (must be someone I don't know?) to make observations in a non-judgemental way on how they parent....plus whatever else comes our way in the future lessons leading up to Christmas. If you don't see my name in your comment box or I've not answered your email you know why!!!
BTW....loving every minute of it!!!!!!!!
Speaking of Christmas.....you may be interested in an lovely idea I saw at Mary's Writing Nook; She would like you to come up with an idea that will enable you to reach out to someone in need during this Christmas season. If you are already involved in some type of Christmas giving tradition, she would like to hear about that too. Just click on her name (in yellow) or the logo below and pay her a visit.
My garden is totally confused too - just like yours.
Wonderful photos as always.
Glad that you are really involved in your studies and course now - it is great - and is doing you a power of good.
It is also a good idea that you can draft your blog pages over the weekend when you get time and just 'click' on them when you need to.
So thrilled your enjoying the course, I admire you immensely. Just blog whenever, we will still be here.
Hello my dear Ruth
I know I have a lot to read in this dear blog. As you said, I also have spent hours and hours in the PC. Please give my regards to Gled and I invite you and him to visit mine.
Little surprises...
Ruth, a great idea.
This reminds me when I first embarked on my early studies, at 15 and starting my exam revision. I had to stay in a great deal, seeing my friends put and about. Yet it all was so worth it.
Hi Ruth.. were in spring here December 1 summer starts but by the warm weather feels like were in summer now so its going to beeee a long hot summer here..
pleased your doing well with your studies we will still be here when u can get back... take great care..
It great to hear how well your studies are going and it's nice to see how much of a thrill you are getting from them. Keep enjoying, I'm sure I like other wish you well and we will keep coming by to see what you have posted...
The main thing Ruth is for YOU to enjoy and be happy in what you are doing.
Hi Ruth ,
What a wonderfull slide show you made there! fantastic, how is you study going? I wish you a happy day today , see my blog for more happy lights:)
Nature is very confused at the moment!
Love your Peace Globe Ruth and your post.
You just visit and post when you can - your studying must come first. xxxx
That is a wonderfully red tree...
Almost Canadian-looking...!
... the course sounds highly intellectual btw...
Many thanks to you all for dropping by. I aim to catch up with your posts over the weekend.
delighted how much fun you are having with the studies, and after all the real world has to take priority over the cyber one, so you must do what you need to do so that blogging remains fun and not just a stress factor in your life.
Rooting for you!
Nature and the seasons are very confused here in Georgia. Nice pictures.
It is a very funny season isn't it? Glad the course is going well! All the best for the future, dear Ruth!
Congratulations on taking on these studies. I think that rather brave of you stepping out like that, and I am so pleased you are enjoying them. Look forward to you blogging whenever you can.
Teaching can be so much fun when there are students who are really engaged, Ruth. What a gift you are giving to your teacher while you enjoy yourself and learn.
Well to answer your question, I would have to say summer..!
I'm impressed with all of your still blooming flowers, and even more impressed that you can name them all..!
Your course sounds very interesting, Ruth! I think you could definitely be forgiven if you only blogged 3 days a week with all that's going on!
I just got back from a class myself - taking a grantwriting course for historic preservation in the university near my job (very convenient location). Of course I am way behind on the class project, which is to write an actual grant application!
I have just been looking at your slides of the flowers in your garden.They are absolutely beautiful.I've had a bit of a problem with my slide shows recently.I was using AOl and couldn't view my slides, didn't know what I was doing wrong. Anyway,I sent an SOS to the help department,got a very helpful reply back from Hans.He advised me to use another browser so I tried Firefox and hey presto,it worked! I can now see my slides again!
I've been browsing and reading--reading!--your current posts, Ruth. My goodness, Ruth, your course sounds challenging and exciting. Thanks for taking the time from your studies, etc., to make the change so that I can read what you've written. I can certainly understand your thinking about confining your posts to those three days.
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