Sunday 14 January 2007


Although I started blogging in August it wasn't until October 20th 2006 that I actually found out there was a means to count the number of times your blog had a visit. Even then I thought is it worth putting one of those counters on my blog..I mean who'd want to read about our life and our garden. But as part of that bloglearning process I put one on; I saw neocounter on someone elses blog and was so thrilled when I worked out how to copy and paste a code!!! So thanks to you all because since then I have now had
5000 visits


Analía said...

Congratulations!!!!! Wow!!! On Monday, October 23, 2006 I came here for the first time, I wonder what's my number LOL, it doesn't matter, the important thing here is that I found a friend I always carry in my heart. Kisses and hugs

RUTH said...

Analia, You will always be a Number 1 and remember you are the only blogfriend whose voice I have heard!!!!!!

Libbys Blog said...

5000 how brilliant is that! Well done!! Blogs give people the opportunity to be 'nosey' without being rude!!! I love them cos I' a naturally nosey person lol!!!!!!

Jo said...

fantastic job on your 5000 hits, just looking at your site for the first time, you have lovely pictures keep up the good work.

Have a great week, Cheers!!

Anonymous said...

RUTH THERE ARE GREMLINS OUT TO PLAY 2NITE. So Many Times I have tried to leave this comment on yours. I ended up keying it into mine and CtrlVing it here.

And wahey!!-!! It has just let me in!!! This is what I wanted to say re your hit counter:-

5000? You've actually gone 215 OVER that already!!

I'm fascinated by that map. The one I managed to (extremely badly) install on if you click on that, has a map inside somewhere... One thing I do know: most of my visitors do seem to come from North America.

By the way Ruth: I keep meaning to ask you this and nothing you've said so far has given me a clue: whereabouts in the country are you? (Can I have a guess? You're not somewhere like Nottingham or Derby, are you??) Please tell-!!!

That is basically what I wanted to say but I fell foul SO MANY TIMES of the pop-up blocker: I temporarily allowed them. Logged in & out several times. Even tried your other blog to at least just get the message to you there... aaargh!! I don't know what is the prob. Maybe it's the trouble you described having just through being a blogspot customer. Maybe it's that. If it's happening to both of yours (and usually I have troubles with just the Garden one) it's surely a blogspot-wide phenomenon.

And on that note I'll love you and leave you. Because it's a ¼ to 2am.

Gleds xx

clairesgarden said...

well thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi! ongrats on all your visitors, I'l be back too.
I was just laughing at your nieghbors garden you have posted pictures of and given him credit for his style 'placed to make a colourful'. ha, I cut my neighbors grass or it wouldn't get done, she started putting my bin out for me in exchange so that worked out ok.

Anonymous said...

Well done you - you will soon be at 10000

RUTH said...

Thanks all; it is quite a thrill hitting 5000 and from 48 different countries...don't think I could name 48 countries!!!! off the top of my head.
GW...yes the gremlins were out here too last night. You couldn't comment yet SOMEHOW Frog managed to post on something that was only in draft!!!! (see comment on post above)I don't know if my problem is with Microsoft, IE7 or Blogger...or all three!!!!
My location is in Suffolk just over the border from Essex.
Have a good day all

Anonymous said...

I know NORfolk quite well. But not Suffolk. I do like that part of the world.

I'm determined to get a counter on mine one of these days... I know the one I want. It's on the dummy blog I set up and ruined. You click on it THEN you get a world map etc so it's "physically" smaller...

Suzy Hepworth said...

Well done you! Keep up the good work! still looking good!

Suze x




This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called family. Make your own badge here.
Thanks Akelamula


A 1st Birthday Gift to my Blogpals

Thank you from Ruth


Thanks to Akelamula

creative blogger

Thanks Shaz

Thanks Skittles...worn with pride

created by Denise - given with love


Rockin' Shaz sxhmoozed me From Mags, Gill, Libby,Denise and Meeyauw