I'M HOME!!!!
Home safe and sound from a fabulous weekend visiting Steve and Lynn.....
Oops...wrong sort of taster...that was one of the fabulous meals I had (Thanks Lynn!)....I forgot to take a photo of Steve's magnificent chilli...all made from scratch...11 different spices AND chocolate in it...I had TWO helpings! Here's a photo of the man at work......
The tasters I really meant to show you were these from Wisley.......

and Max......
I took so many photos and need to sort them in some kind of order and will do a few posts over the next few days to catch up with all that we did. Here's a taster though....

Must dash for now though as I've a carpet to lay in the hall; I happened to mention the other day at college that I really needed to do something about the hall carpet as it got ruined wheeling Mick's wheelchair and hoist to and fro. Well how lucky am I???...one of the girls had a leftover piece....BRAND NEW...and popped it round for me before I left on Friday. Manda, Chris and Nicole (bless them) moved everything out of hall while I was away and now Manda and I are going to lay it.
To be continued............................
Welcome back Ruth! I'm glad you had such a wonderful weekend with lots of fun and nice things to see and eat.
And how kind that they cleared your hallway for you and that she gave you that piece of carpet. The kindness from all of them is heartwarming.
You are going to show us the finished result, right? ;-)
Glad you had such a wonderful weekend - just the boost you needed - and a new carpet too from a new college friend - things are going to 'fall into place' and get better from now on.
Isn't it nice to have such friends, and I bet you are pleased with the carpet... good luck fitting it Ruth.
I am looking forward to the pictures, the taster was special as I'm sure this weekend was for you. Inspiring Ruth.
Wow, you have been so busy! Glad you had a lovely time at Wisley - and wasn't the weather just superb?! Good luck with the carpet!
Glad you had a good time. I'd like to sample that chili.
What a heart warming post Ruth and how thoughtful of your friend from college.
The photos from Wisley are fabulous should imagine you loved every second of your visit there...look forward to seeing and reading more.
The chilli sounds delicious 11 different spices...wow!! I have yet to try it with chocolate in it, but I believe its delicious..do you have the recipe I wonder :)
Sounds as if youve had a truly wonderful weekend, well deserved xx Auds
I had to catch up and see how the college gal is doing!
Welcome Home! It looks as though you had an AWESOME weekend. The pictures posted thus far have really piqued my interest.
I am so happy that a new-found friend has blessed you with new carpet. How quickly you have made a good friend! It is always so awesome when people come into our lives and we can bless them, and they, us! Isn't that what life is really about?
I look forward, with great anticipation, to more photos!
Doesn't Max look entertaining?!? Just like JMB from Canada!!
Great photos Ruth - we want to see them all!! xx
Am glad you are home: I missed you! So pleased you had a good time; that roast dinner looked delicious and that chilli...well, will he share his recipe??
The Wisley photos are beautiful :)
I agree with the other comments about the carpet...how kind :)
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