Off to college soon...Sociology again today. Yesterday was beautiful weather..sadly the garden hardly has any sun this time of year but I did take a few photos while I worked in the shade. The Winter pansies are blooming beautifully now...I love their cheery faces...they don't seem to mind if they have sun or not!
These darker pink cyclamen are in flower now...I love the colour though not sure where they came from...I don't remember having them last year...maybe seedlings that have now grown enough to their flowering stage
I'm pleased to see that the bees are still buzzing around ..............and seem to be giving the "thumbs bums up" to the toad lilies............
The spiders are finding plenty to eat and I had to "capture" this "capture"....
Despite the rainy Summer lately we've not had much of the wet stuff lately at all......I think this wasp dropped by for a drink......
and this bee wasn't content with water on leaves and ended up in my glass!...I rescued him AFTER I'd taken the photo..........
I saw this ladybird on one of the's marking are quite unusual...I'm hoping it's not one of the Harlequin Ladybirds which are are causing problems for our indigineous ladybirds.......any help on this matter gratefully received.............
Well must dash now or I'll miss my lift....................

We never did make it to the garden centre for winter pansies this weekend but after seeing those fab pics I'm gonna make it my mission during half term when I'm off. Only 6 shuifts to go x x x
Your bee is a "her" not a "him". "Him" bees have much larger eyes that meet on the top of their heads. "Her" bee eyes are smaller, one on each side of the head.
Mel the beekeeper
Don't think the Ladybirds in a Harliquin, have a look here this might be of help.
Nice post by the way.. I just love Pansy's..Not something you hear a chap of 17st plus, 6ft, and covered in tattoo's saying that often.. ha! Hope the start of the week goes well and you don't suffer Monday Morning Blues.
Nice pictures Ruth! Hope you have a wonderful day at school.
Hi Ruth, I hope your studies are comming along nicely.
Oh I love pansies with there lovely coloured faces. Oh i dont like spiders, have a great day.
Exquisite photography , Ruth, as always. These little creatures have been captured so delicately by your camera. Love the violas too:)
o! my face is dislocated ;->...
What fabulous photos Ruth. :)
You have an award to collect m'deario. x
Very nice indeed to see the flora & a few fauna. It makes me realise that I have hardly seen a single insect this spring or summer, just an excess of flies for everyone to complain about. And where did all last year's dragon flies go? The one real exception was a giant, the biggest I've ever seen, that dropped into the bar in early Sept for a beer. And I didn't have the camera with me.
Sociology, eh? I'll give you my own dreamt-up quiz question:
Where can you find Marx & Spencer on opposite sides of the road???? (seriously!)
Oh I can't resist a quiz...Highgate Cemetary?
Hi Ruth - I bet you are feeling tired.
If you click on this:
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Beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing.
Have a Terrific Tuesday.
Great pictures as always, Ruth! Thanks for sharing. Glad you rescued the bee!
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