When the family are here the hall can get quite smelly.................
luckily a solution is at hand!!
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Oh yes, shoes can be very smelly. :) My humans run marathons, so after really long runs, their shoes certainly smell! Great entry for the Hunt this week. :)
My smelly photo.
Hi Ruth,
all those sneakers sure can give off a smell, but I'm sure it's worth it to you.
Nice shots. If only every solution came in a can! Happy weekend
Hi Ruth, I was going to go with my socks, but they kept running off and wouldn't keep still...One of lifes great inventions is Purista, i can keep them on for weeks now.
Cheers Mark
That's a good product: I'm going to be looking out for it in the store!
They may be smelly but that makes an attractive shot.
We have a shoe issue in our house as well! Happy hunting!
Oh, yes, but do really think that the spray helps totally? I've experienced that it does not.... *giggles*
I almost posted the same thing. Great minds, huh? :-)
Great smelly. Great solution.
Thanks for stopping by!
LOL what a funny post!!
I spray Neutradol in mine.
It certainly works better than those gross peach flavour air freshners Laundretta aromatizes her room with ...
Hi Ruth, The visit from family is worth the smelly shoes....I have never tried the spray you show here.
Have a good day. Baba
Happiness is a hall full of smelly shoes all shapes and sizes.
-And the freshener too!
Odour Eaters ate my feet.
A small price to pay for their company.
Fortunately Jon doesn't have smelly feet! LOL!
Speaking of is fish for dinner tonight, Tuna! LOL!
Ruth, you come up with the funniest things!
Oh, tell me about it. My son is only 1, and I already dread whiffing his cute little feet sometimes :-o
I bet that can get really smelly. Good photo for the theme.
Hi Ruth,
Yes smelly shoes clogging up the hallway can be a problem! i get smelly wellies in my entrance way!
sara from farmingfriends
I always take my shoes off at the door, leave them on the outside porch. The other day one of my guests noticed me doing that and so he took off his shoes too. The whole afternoon we sat and talked and I smelled his feet, wishing all the while he'd left his shoes on.
I wonder what he would have thought if I'd sprayed his stockinged feet with that Dr. Scholl's?
haha! I am with Jams...too bad life's solutions aren't ALL canned! I am sure that you love all the wearers of those shoes so much, though, the "scent" isn't too bad, eh?
Yes - smelly shoes. I almost posted a photo of shoes. Thanks for stopping by Pollywog Creek and commenting in my smelly photos - and thanks for the "bay leaf" tip when cooking cabbage. Blessings!
I could do with some of that spray. Buy them all Crocs . . .lol x
All shoes are smelly anyway. Thanks for dropping by my blog.
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