Just a quick post before I get stuck into my Sociology homework. We are learning about Symbolic Interactionism now........I'm used to getting my tongue around the Latin names of plants but some of the wording used in Sociology is quite new to me...and if I spell Borgousie Bourgousie Bourgeosie Bourgeoisie wrong one more time I'll give up! Mind you it doesn't help much that my neighbour Sue turned up with a bottle of wine last night....I've not had a chance to catch up with her since I started the course and as I don't imbibe in liquor much now...well let's just say I'm a little woolly headed this morning!!!!

I sat in the garden for a while to clear my head and AT LAST!!!! A flower bud on one of the Brugmansia..will it flower before the cold weather hits it????? I hope so......I can see me bringing it indoors if we get too many cold nights.
The Nerine are now flowering...not particularly suited to my shady garden I'm always happy to see them manage to flower. Nerines although native to South Africa has naturalised itelf in Guernsey and is known as the Guernsey Lily...though I'm not exactly sure what my variety is.
The aconitum are now in flower;
some of it's many common names are aconite, monkshood (note the shape of the flower), or wolfsbane (read on!) BE WARNED.... Aconitum is dangerous and though it is regarded to have many therapeutic uses (until the mid 20th century it was used in many medicines) it should not be's roots have occasionally been mistaken for horseradish; please don't try it with your Roast Beef and Yorkshire Puddings!! In folklore, Aconitum was said to make a person into a werewolf if worn, smelled, or eaten; opposing this though is the theory that it KILLS werewolves if they wear, smell, or eat it!!! Some of you may know of the Canadian actor Andre Noble who unfortunately died of aconite poisoning.

Right back to Becker, Cicourel and Goffman for what did ANOMIE mean...that's right "instability in society caused by the erosion or abandonment of social and moral codes".....groan....where are those Aconite tablets!!!!!!
Nice pictures! I'm anxious to see what the Brugmansia bloom looks like.
Ruth, I googled and it turned out to be what I thought. I have a yellow one in my yard. I'll have to stick with "angel trumpet" as it much easier to remember. lol
That sounds like an inconvenient flower...
If you can't remember the spelling why don't you just put middle class~?!?
Dot; not sure what colour mine will be as I forgot to label them!
Gleds; nice idea but I think I'm expected to use the B word :o)
The nerine and the aconite goes together well! Good luck for your homework !
You'll have to write it on your hand Ruth so you can keep checking the spelling!
You may have felt woolly headed but I bet that wine and conversation with your neighbour went down well. x
Oh dear lol!!! Alot of my brugs are in bud too! I wonder if they will flower or not too??
Hope the homework is going ok and you recovered from the wine!! {{HUGS}}
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