As Mick was a having a bed-rest day I thought I'd oil his bench. This is a job that Mick always used to do...isn't it funny that no matter how good the partnership is in a marriage....husband and wife always have "jobs" that are predominantly theirs. It's much the same with the plants in our garden......any vegetables and acid loving plants we class as being Micks.......even though I may have helped feed, prune and water it.........and vice versa the fuchsias are always considered mine...funny old world!
Back to the bench oiling. I wouldn't want to do this with Mick watching as I'm sure he would have disparaging thoughts at my use of a paintbrush....he is the expert in this department; and so with the weather being warm and sunny and Mick safely on his bed I got to work. The sun was really beating down on my back and I really started to sweat.......sorry...perspire!
Although I always yearn for a larger garden it is nice that as the garden is so small that I can do little jobs out there but still (with the aid of an intercom and a large living room window) hear and see Mick.
The warm sunshine has really brought out the Celandine. I know it's considered a weed by many but I manage to keep it under control and it is so cheery!
Spending more time outside means that it's easy to forget the indoor plants. It was a nice surprise for me, when I was watering them, to see this Aloe vera starting to flower.
The temperature yesterday went up to 18C..........I wonder how soon it'll be before hose pipe bans are threatened?
And today?...well it's only 6.30am but this was this mornings sky.....looking good!
Your 'small' garden in just perfect and absolutely stunning. Far better to have one that you can manage and create a beautiful haven in, than to have a big garden that can be overwhelming, and you become a slave too.
Wasn't yesterday just wonderful with the sunshine and warmth,
I think you posts are fantastic and your 'movies' amazing - you are such a techie and I just love visiting your sites.
Sorry I can't post comments every day - a bit of a task fitting everybody and every thing in .
Love Lottie
Hi Ruth, I think you probably had a better day than we did as the day started with drizzle although it did brighten up in the afternoon. I don’t know if Mick would approve of the way you oiled the seat but he couldn’t complain about the way it looks now that’s for sure. I think for a good relationship you have to have your own place in the family, your own set of draws, your jobs, you own bit of garden etc. Because I’m working in the garden all day this garden we have at the cottage is classed as Vicki’s, I do jobs in it but I usually ask her first also I have my jobs in there like cutting the lawn and hedges. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog, its much appreciated as always. You are right about the stone walls being nice in their own right, I don’t really know much about the history of the gardens, I do keep asking but the owners don’t seem to know much about it either for some reason despite having been there for generations. Nobody seems to have kept any records which is a shame. They’ve shown me some photo’s from the 60s and that’s it. I don’t think the family has had much interest in the gardens for a number of years, certainly not the generation just passed, the lady and gentleman who have just taken over seem a lot more interested. As you seem interested in Fuchsia’s I will do a post listing my fuchsia’s then you can see which we have in common. Bob.
Thanks Lottie; though I do envy your space. I would like to grow more veg and fruit but can't bring my self to give up any "flower" space. Don't worry if you don't comment...it is time consuming and as a fellow gardener I know how busy this time of year can be.
ukbob; what a shame the owners don't have historical records; isnt it funny how it's usually the man's job to do the lawn. Mick got out of that as we don't have one! Shall look forward to your fuchsia post.
Such a beautiful day yesterday and I saw none of it!!!!!
Our sons, who live and work in london, had the same warm temperatures as you did yesterday, whereas we sat at 2degrees! The bench looks great! Your indoor plant is pretty amazing too. I know what you mean about job delineation too. Everyone refers to our garden as mine, since I do all the gardening work - sowing, planting, weeding in it...but, my husband does a lot of the heavy lifting and pushing of the heavy loads in the wheelbarrow, so without him, the garden would not look the same. It definitely takes both of us doing our individual jobs to have this garden.
LOL! Mowing the grass is the extent of my husband's gardening!!
I have to admit, I was suprised to see your aloe blooming!! I've had aloe plants for almost my entire life and never had one bloom :-(
Is there something special you do to encourage it to blossom ( other than soft music and lovingly whispered words of encouragement)?
Hi Ruth. Your garden is lovely and I do like the oiled seat, Its funny how we have his and her jobs, My Al. did all outsde jobs but was never allowed to prune the roses or touch the fernery unless I ask him to help move a plant.but with sadness its all mine now,now I have the lawnmower man in every 2 weeks a job i need help with.Take care
I really hope there is sunshine on Saturday because I am expecting a full tour of the garden....I may have to check the seat is dry before having a rest though! ;o) Lovely photos today Ruth :o) {{{HUGS}}}
libby; you deserve more sunshine today for doing such a good deed.
w.g.; must admit Mick did do all the really heavy stuff, sorry to hear your day was so cold.
E; feel good about my Aloe now though unlike talj my Peace Lily hardly ever flowers.
talj; will take 5mins of sunshine to walk round it twice! Hopefully you'll love us so much on Saturday that you'll come back in the summer when there's more to see...bench dry...tested it out at lunchtime.
The bench looks good, Ruth. i enjoyed my virtual trip around the garden!
One advantage of a smaller garden is that for someone like you you can have it nearly PERFECT ...
Hasn't it been HOT the last couple of days ...??
I was reading Dot's post and saw your comment. As my middle name is Ruth I decided to check you out. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog....You really have me beat in the technology department. I just began blogging in January and I still have so much to learn.
Your husband sounds like a wonderful man.
I'll drop by again and if you have time you are always welcome to come by to visit with me.
Betty @ Country Charm
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