What a storm we had last night; torrential rain, thunder and lightning it must have been overhead for a good hour. It was so bad that my friend from across the road text me to see if I was OK on my own during it. Luckily storms don't bother me; my first thoughts are always...well at least I won't have to water the garden.....then they turn to......oh no everything going to get flattened again.....and finally.....I bet the slugs and snails are having a field day!
This morning I went out into the garden prepared to see what damage had occurred. Luckily nothing major had occurred...well except for the chomped lettuces!
I was pleased to see that some of the the Lilies are starting to flower.......
Due to the fact I was so tired last night.....a bath and bed with a good book was the order of the evening......I didn't catch up with all my Blogpals new posts so as I'd woken quite early I thought I'd catch up. Typically my PC has decided to have one of its "shut off every five minutes" days (goodness knows why this happens) my Blogaround time has been mostly spent waiting for the computer to reload again! It's so infuriating...I can be halfway through a comment or just waiting to publish it and "POOF!" the computer shuts down. So if you've seen me "lurking" but not commenting now you know why!
Those blooms are amazing & pleased to see they have withstood the rain. You lurk when ever you like x x x
You can't beat a vase of sweetpeas, I don't think I've planted enough this year!!!
We had the torrential rain and lightning last night too.
My lillies have just started to open and I noticed the first Clematis flower this morning.
Lovely photographs Ruth, I love sweet peas - why didn't we plant any this year? DOH!!!
I hope your plants didn't get squashed during some of those downpours ... you may as well have got a stick and kept poking the ground, that is what the rain was doing, prodding baby seedlings and half killing them here
We had a storm like that too yesterday afternoon. We needed the rain badly and the garden looks better for it today. Sadly lots of damage was done along the storm's path, more trees came down.
The sweet peas are lovely, they were my mum's favourite.
Gorgeous flowers and those sweet peas are a wonderful colour!
I am sure that weather is making its way up here next. We had sunshine the last two days but it's looking bleek for the weekend.
Your flowers are just lovely and the photography is stunning.Thanks for sharing your lovely flowers.
Sara from farmingfriends
The flowers are lovely Ruth, such beautiful colours. Sweet peas are my all time favourite,Ive never grown them but used to buy bunches and put them in an old teapot I had. Love the garden after a downpour of rain it always looks so fresh.
Hope the computer stops playing up, it is so frustrating
Hi Ruth all your flowers are lovely and dont looked harmed by the heavy rain Love the yellow lillies and the colours of the sweet peas.. (((HUGS)))
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