C IS FOR .....................................

This year I split them up and made quite a few new plants. I gave some away to family and friends, repotted some and the smaller pieces that were left I planted directly into the soil. I am pleased to say they all flourished and flowered. The ones I put into the soil I am going to mulch up and see if they come through the winter outside. We shall see next year whether they made it or not.
This is our Chameleon. It has spread nicely along one side of the pond. It has small white flowers and when you crush the leaves it smells of oranges.
Not a very good photo of the Carnations (better ones of single flowers in the Flower Album) but I wanted to show this en masse photo as these came from the Hampton Court Flower Show which Lynn and I went to a few years ago. Mick and Steve stayed at home guarding the beers (Ha Ha!). Carnations are one of Micks favourite flowers so Lynn bought him a small collection including one called "China Doll" and another called "Grandmas Favourite". They are very easy to propagate from pipings and if they start to get woody I just lift them, dig a deeper hole and put them back in with the woody part underground. They look much better and the woody part just makes new roots. Another bonus is that they smell lovely.
Our Carnivores are Venus Fly Trap and Pitcher plants. We bought them quite recently on one of our trips out. I thought it would be a good memory of the trip and also they are something we have never grown before. A new challenge!
We had two Camellias at one point but unfortunately the pink one died soon after we got it. We are not sure why. The ericaceous plants are very special to Mick. He has them on a strict watering and feeding regime and it works well. Last year (and this) I have had to do it for him. So far all seems ok so I think he has taught me well. One very important thing with camellias is DON'T let them get too dry in the Autumn as this can cause the buds to drop off the following spring. Also be careful siting them as if the buds get frosted and thaw quickly, because of early morning sun, they will go brown and not open
Last autumn we bought our first ever Cammasia bulb and I am pleased to say it came up and flowered well, Hopefully it will do the same next year.
No the Campanula doesn't have the same leaves as the chameleon; its just growing in with it. There are so many different forms of campanula and they usually come in whites, pinks or blues. This one has spread round the garden and seems to grow in any aspect. It all started with a small piece Mick brought home from one of his decorating jobs.
1 comment:
I never had any luck with my carnivorous plants - hope yours do well!
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