Monday, 11 June 2007


I've been nominated by Akelamula for a Thinking Blogger fact she's been really kind and nominated both this blog AND There Are A Million Stories. Although I'd seen Akela around in various comment boxes I hadn't really visited her blog properly....then when Claire and I did the Easter Egg Hunt in aid of the Clatteridge Cancer Campaign and Akela took part I started to visit her blog more it's one of my "mustn't miss" blogs and her latest posts have had me laughing out load...something that I'm not doing a lot of at the moment! Her blog doesn't only have "fun" stuff on it'll find a link "Kit- A Biography of my Mother" in her sidebar......Kit was Akela's paternal grandmother.......if you don't read anything else this week PLEASE read's a wonderful historical and personal account written by Akela's father and transcribed by Akela herself.

Now the difficult bit...I have to tag 5 other blogs to give the award do I choose..there are so many wonderful blogs each with their own virtues...but choose I must...possibly some of these may have already received the worries..agirl/boy can never have too many awards!

So there are my five choices and the reason I've chosen them.

Gledwood......for his honesty blogging about his addiction...I've been lucky and to date no member of my family is addicted to drugs....(save nicotine)....I may not always be so lucky and I thank Gleds for his openness...if the worst should happen ....I hope a little of what I've learnt from Gleds with help me to not only be of help but also to be understanding.

Elsie......for all her ezi-blogs...full of wonderful ideas for gifts and fabulous you remember when I made her muffins? the moment there's a great recipe idea for Irish Cream Liquer on her ezi-edible-gifts blog...just right for Father's Day!

Jenny.....her blog is inspiring...she's just an ordinary person like you and I but has put herself through so and getting fit enough to do the Pawling Triathlon....(which she finished!) in order to raise money for a Care Car for her local community.....and she's not stopping there...she has more runs in the pipeline.

Mark...whose photographs of butterflies and dragon/damsel flies have inspired me to learn more about the world of well as his gallery he has an "everyday" blog full of snippets about his garden and his walks in the countryside. He also has a lot of recycling info.....and has started a Bokashi bucket.

Merle.....she's the sort of lady you just wish was your... mum or grandmother (depending on your own age)..........her posts are full of wonderful jokes to make you laugh and wonderful quotes to ponder well as a few insights on the Aussie way of life.

To the Nominees.....Should you choose to participate, please make sure to pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging.

If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to five blogs that make you think.

Link to the original post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme

Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote...(mine are at the bottom of my sidebar)


CG said...

Congratulations; well deserved :) xx

Akelamalu said...

I'm so glad you have accepted the award Ruth and thank you for the lovely things you have said about my blog too.

I'll be popping over to your 5 nominees to congratulate them tomorrow, and read why they make you think!

Gledwood said...

Thank you!

I know Merle (well you know this) ... met her NOT through you but totally at random via that "six degrees of separation" thing ...

Do I have to go to their website to get the little logo?

Gledwood said...

I mean the thinking blogger award site not Merle's site


o i'm gonna shuttup now

all those margarine dumplings have gone to my head!

Gledwood said...

OK I get the rules and I've been to their site. I'm in an internet cafe at the mo and time is limited I will have to find out how to put the medal on my blog tomorrow... I thought there was some html somewhere but I can't find it... also I've to think up my five-blogs shortlist

woo! thanks again!! i'm greatly honoured!!!

Mark said...

Hi Ruth,


Thank you for the nomination, it is nice to know that what i do has made a small difference.

Cheers Mark

Elsie said...

Congratulations, you really deserve this and thank you for nominating me and for all the nice things you always say about my blogs.

Stay well


Ziggywigs said...

Congratulations....i really enjoyed your gave me some great ideas and inspirations.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Congratulations, Ruth! Enjoy your excellence!

Merle said...

Dear Ruth ~~ Congratulations on your nomination and thank you so much for the nice things you said about me.
I regret to say I must decline, as I do not know how to put the logo on my blog and do not wish to nominate others. I hope you do not mind this
Ruth, I just like to read and post items I like. Take care of yourself,
Love, Merle.

Audrey said...

Congratulations Ruth, :) and so well deservedxxxxAuds

Sheila said...

Congratulations Ruth.
Not only are you a thinking blogger, you make us think too..
Well done..!

RUTH said...

Thanks all; Merle it's no problem if you don't do this; lots of bloggers decline tags and memes; sometimes I don't do them myself. So nice of you to let me know....see I said what a lovely lady you are!

Shaz said...

Well done Ruth. Now you've given me even more blogs to visit too, thanks x x x




This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called family. Make your own badge here.
Thanks Akelamula


A 1st Birthday Gift to my Blogpals

Thank you from Ruth


Thanks to Akelamula

creative blogger

Thanks Shaz

Thanks Skittles...worn with pride

created by Denise - given with love


Rockin' Shaz sxhmoozed me From Mags, Gill, Libby,Denise and Meeyauw