Friday, 21 September 2007


I'm falling so behind with my blogvisiting.....hopefully after a while my poor brain will get used to all this THINKING and I'll get myself into some sort of regime. At the moment I've been trying to get up really early and visiting as many of you as I can.....apologies to those that I'm missing.

My childhood was very strict and my parents of the "Children should be seen and not heard" and "Do as I tell you not as I do" ilk; in school we accepted verbatim what the teacher's taught us and in my relationships before I met Mick I always "knew my place"; so it's quite a shock to suddenly be asked to form my own opinions about Sociology, History and Literature. To be asked by a teacher/tutor "What do you think" and to be able to answer honestly without thinking "Well what do you WANT me to say" seems so alien. I guess I'll get used to it after a while.

It's making the homework very difficult; as much as I know I should write my own view of things I'm constantly screwing my work up and aiming it towards the nearest rubbish bin convinced that my thoughts may be WRONG!

At least the Literature Homework is just to do some creative writing concentrating on creating atmosphere or character....that can't be too difficult....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Unknown said...

Ruth, it's Friday, do what everyone but me does. Go out and get pissed!!

Tom said...

Ruth your views if asked for 'can not' be wrong, they ARE your views.
I hope you get time to relax this weekend and not worry to much about the work. Remember that learning now is so much more fun and you are doing it now because You want to. Enjoy.

dot said...

Don't worry about not visiting blogs. I'm sure that most people understand. I for one am very proud of what you are doing and if you don't have time to visit then don't worry. I enjoy your blogs enough that I'll still visit you.

Silly Goose said...

I agree with Dot! ;-))

Katya said... in the good old US of A, we were taught to tell EVERYONE what we think!!! hehehehe JUST kidding!

Yes, learning is different than it used to be!

I LOVED socialogy. It was fun, but the professor I had helped to make it even more interesting. It was certainly more fun that psychology, in my book!

Just remember, dear Ruth, you opinion is just as valid as anyone else's. AND, because you have a bit more "senority" in this life than others aroud you, your opinion might just hold a lot more value!!!

My grandparents were from the Ukraine, and they also believed the "children should be seen" thing. Although I believe that children must behave and obey and respect their elders, I also like to hear what is on their minds!

Things have changed sooooo much in just a few short years, my friend!

david mcmahon said...

Ruth, I'm with Tom on his advice about views.

I'm your fan - and you know it!

mrsnesbitt said...

Ruth do not worry about not visiting blogs...blogging is all about doing what you can when you can, it is about letting people into the parts of your life which you want them to see...right now we are aware of your new challenges and we can just admire you and support you in this new avenue of discovery.

Lots of love,

Shaz said...

There is no right or wrong, just your opinion, which count so don't be too hard on yourself & give em what for. I loved sociology & psychology but know I would have flumped had I dont literature so good on ya for even going there x x x

Chrissie said...

Go for it, Ruth :-) You can do it! I am finding, on the business course I am attending, that the tutors play Devil's Advocate and ask questions just to get us started. I don't think I always give the right answers and several times I have felt hints that they don't agree with my ideas :-). But I feel there is too much spin and we need to be ourselves. Good luck to you :-)

Libbys Blog said...

As you said in an earlier post, it is to do with your thoughts. I youe belive in what you write and can give your reasonings there is nothing 'wrong'. Don't forget the first few weeks they will give advice on where you can improve, just go for it!!!
Oh and don't worry about the blog visiting!!

Gledwood said...

my brain is like a seive

that picture looks like a Jumbelly

(who went to sea in a seive!!)

Audrey said...

Go for it Ruth, its amazing how much information we absorb on a daily basis and so much life experience, there is no right and wrong...The basket looks familiar, I had to smile as it was just the same for me, I would get so frustrated and then reach a point where I would just say b....r it and write then sweat till I got the result back..

The great thing is the tutors are on your side, they want you to succeed and if they are anything like the ones I have come across they will be more than supportive and encouraging.

Your wonderful!!! xxx Auds

Mauigirl said...

It sounds as if these courses will be really great for you - getting you thinking about all kinds of things and finding your voice!




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