and I've never had my AUTUMN flowering Cyclamen in flower at the same time as my SPRING flowering Aubretia.
There are also a few new flowers in the Clematis Sieboldii started flowering quite a while ago but yesterday I noticed that the "Alba" variety had started to come into bloom.
Two plants that were mere cuttings and seedlings at the start of the Summer I hadn't expected to flower until next year......................
This is Alison of the upward facing flower Fuchsiasand this is one of the Phlox seedlings...................
For those who are interested in the course; yesterday was Literature again and we learnt about plots, themes and symbols. We read an extracts from "Jane Eyre", "Oranges are not the only fruit" and "Bluebeards Egg" analyzing the evidence given in the text to work out characters and relationships.......... the homework is a similar task using an extract from "The remains of the day".
My computer certainly seems to have a bad "limp"'s taking AGES to get anywhere on it.
Is there a doctor in the house?????
HI Ruth,
I'm glad you are enjoying your course . It looks as if you are having an Indian Summer as we are.
Have a good week
Homework eh? Brings back memories. Always tried to do mine when I could, and not leave it to the last minute. You sound as though you did the same thing, and you enjoyed the garden even more I would have thought.
Love the pictures and good luck with the home work.
As for you computer running slow.. make sure you do a 'defrag' at least once a month, that helps to boost it along, the other thing is not to store to many photographs on the hard drive.
Kick off old programmes you don't use, clear you email both sent and recieved as often as you can. And if you want try this: I have down loaded this onto many a computer including my own. I run this every night, the first time it takes a while to clean unwanted/unneeded stuff off the hard drive, after that it takes about 5 mins each day. C Cleaner dose what it says it dose. I will not tell you what the 'C' stands for but computers can get full of it. :)
Sounds like some good computer advice!!
I wish i was doing your literature course!
Poor gardens, don't know if there coming or going!!
Glad I don't have homework!! Keep up the good work though!
It is always a treat to see your beautiful flowers!
Thank you for the pictures. I wish I could smell the ginger lilly from here.
Hi Ruth. We have had a couple of flowers on our montana as well, today they have been blown away:-) Your ginger lilies look really interesting, are they in anyway related to real ginger or just the perfume.
It's lovely for us that the flowers don't know what day it is!
I can't help you with the computer honey, hope you get it sorted soon.
Sounds as if you're enjoying the course. :)
All of your blooms are beautiful! It is fun to get a surprise in the garden, isn't it?
Pleased it's going well Ruth, that's the garden & the studying x x
My Philadelphus is blooming again too...and I'm five time zones away from you! Sounds like plants on both sides of the Atlantic are having a heck of a time figuring things out, eh?
Ginger lily? Hmmm. I think I'm going to look that up on the Internet.
Wow, learning is fun, isn't it Ruth? School is wasted on the young! Among other things...
Your pics are splendid. Awesome!
Nice looking gingers...their fragrance is lovely, isn't it?
Re your PC...have you defragged it lately and emptied your cache? When I do that on mine, it always seems to help speed things up.
Good luck with your course. Best regards, Jon on 9-27-07
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