Look at this!!!....it's finally stopped raining and blue skies ahead. We can't stay indoors in this weather so no tea today.

We'll take the hip flask just in case of emergencies!

That's good the sun is slowly creeping down as far as the pond. The frogs will like that.

I don't believe this...the phantom rubbish dumpers have been at work again! The dustmen haven't taken it so I guess it's going to mean numerous phone calls to the Fly Tipping Dept. to get it cleared.

Must have a look at my friend, Sue's Camellia. She is very proud that hers is out before our white one. Guess who pointed it out to her though!

Her trough of snowdrops and hyacinth is doing well too.

So nice to get out into the open air.

And look at the sky now..........lovely!.........and feeling quite warm.

I do like nosing at other people's gardens

Nice heather in bloom over this wall.

Looks like the council are taking down more trees. I know it's a shame to see them cut down but when the council planted them umpteen years ago I don't think they'd allowed for growth. There have been a lot of problems for some houses as the tree roots are getting into the footings. I'll point out the one outside our house when we get back home.

They are ruining the pavements too. Not very wheelchair friendly!

Look at this cat snuggled up in the Forsythia; almost missed that.

It so difficult to get along these small pavements with all the brambles sticking out. If they grow much more - which they will- poor Mick's legs will be cut to ribbons. I may have to start carrying secateurs with me. You may laugh but we know from last year that these brambles never get cut back.

Now this dumped rubbish would be handy if we could get it home. Just imagine that filled with chamomile or thyme. What a fragrant garden seat that would be.

These little daffs are coming out nicely; last year they got mown off before they came into flower. Heartbreaking!

They may be a lawn grower's nightmare but I love seeing Daisies in the grass.

Really warming up now; and this last stretch home is all UPHILL.

Phew that's handy. We spotted Manda on her way back from a meeting at Nicole's school. Just in time to do the uphill push.

Now you see the tree next to the lamp post......that's our front garden and house to the left of it. It's a council owned tree on council land but we have to pay extra house insurance because of it!
Well thanks for joining us. It was nice to have company. Let's hope the good weather continues; may get a sit in the garden soon!
Don't forget to pop over to
Claire's; she is growing herbs for the Great Pip Challenge and is having some good results.