I decided to walk down to the course and made sure I left in plenty of time. I'm glad I did as I'd forgotten how difficult it is to cross the roads before 9am due to the traffic. It took me a full 5 minutes to get across one road! Even so I arrived far too early but it gave me a chance to visit the Ladies

which I was in desperate need of despite have "been" at least 20 times before leaving home! I then had a solitary sit in the park to compose my thoughts...

all the time wondering whether to hop on this bus and do a runner....LOL

I entered Room 1 at 9.20....nobody there!!!!! Oh dear!!! Gradually some other students wandered in all looking as nervous as I............... The numbers rose to 7....not boding well for a Sudbury based Course......sure enough when the Tutors turned up we were told that course would have to take place in Bury St Edmunds......the numbers DROPPED even more at this news. I'd already decided that come hell or high water I'd do the course even if it meant a dent in my finances and long bus journeys but 2 of the other students S. and J. said they were going to car share and were more than willing to take me to and fro! A deep sigh of relief on my part as it means I don't have to leave home till 8.45.......by bus I'd have to leave just after 7am.....and I'll get home so much earlier too; giving me far more time for
blog visiting studying.
Today was mainly an Induction Day; telling us the what and whatnots; whys and wherefores and letting us know all about joining the Students Union, what books we'd need etc etc.
The first book we're advised to read is Silas Marner.......GOT THAT!
We will be covering William Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience.........we don't actually need a copy of this but as I've already got one (thanks Miri and Fran...a gift from them years ago when I mentioned I liked Blake)....I'm sure it will come in handy especially as there's a cassette with it................
The college itself will be providing selected extracts from many of the sources we need to cover and the rest of the books I would need buy Manda already has from previous courses she's taken.......WONDERFUL!!!!!!!
I've managed to get pens, paper, folders and all my other stationery needs from our "CHEAPO" shop in Sudbury.......under £6 for this lot.
So now I'm raring to go.....................over the course of the weekend I'll read all this "bumf"
it really is a different language; modules, key concepts, criterias,theoretical perspectives, analysis, aspects of socialisation...and on and on and on..........
And not one word about where the Student Bar is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But before I even start on that; Leanne is coming over and staying the night...she's buying me a Chinese and I'm sure I can dust off a bottle of red wine.......................so in true student fashion.....I'll be CHILLING!

Oh I am so excited for you Ruth! It looked like you had a lovely walk and perfect weather this morning, great photos as always!
I am so pleased to hear the course went well and hope you enjoy a glass for me tonight too :o)
Love and {{{HUGS}}} xx
Ruth you were really meant to do this course - look how the universe had conspired to make everything just fall into place. You are so going to enjoy it!
I'll open an bottle of red later and drink to your success. x
So glad you have got off on such a good start with your course. Hope you enjoy all your reading and studying. When I grew up, I went back and read some of the books we studied at school that I really didn't appreciate back then and really enjoyed them and understood them much better the second time around.
Fantastic and you have made some new friends already - car sharing.
You are going to FLY
I can feel your excitement and enthusiasm already.
Excellent news! You're going to have a ball. The novels you mention were on my Bachelors course and I've loved Blake since studying his work at school. I think I may be a little jealous now...no but seriously I'm very pleased for you. Have a really great time!
looks cool, I bet you are going to love it, especially since you already enjoy so much of the course material enough to pre-own it! Love the bus hee hee.
Awww some!
Great stuff Ruth!
What a nice first day! Looks like you will be reading some good books.
Im thrilled the day went well for you Ruth and that you will be able to car share, often a good time for recapping and sharing thoughts and ideas on the way home..sounds really interesting and exciting... Meant to be.
Enjoy that wine with Leanne you both deserve some chill out time, but NO BAKED BEANS??? fundamental part of the student diet I believe lol xxx Auds
P.S Your inspiring x
Sounds like you're off to a great start, Ruth. YAY! Love your photos that help describe your day so well.
Love the shot of the bus.
Say hi to Leanne for me - and I hope you enjoyed the red!
Way to go! Very proud of you.
It seems the perfect way to celebrate the autumn. Going to school, carrying books, feeling butterflies in the stomach, celebrating with a friend at the end of the day. Happy day, Ruth.
Silas Marner.
My mother's (well, one of them) favourite book.
I have yet to read it. I know I will, it is on my list.
Enjoy your weekend sweets.
Car sharing - good!
Not knowing where the student bar is - bad!
Chilling - good!
Well Ruth, I wish you lots of fun with this course. Perhaps I should also join as I've read most of the books too. ;-)
I hope you really enjoy the course Ruth, good luck with it.
You have been recommend to me by a mutual blogging friend as someone who might be able to help with a flower I have on my blog today. If between all that reading, learning, oh yes and 'Chilling' you could find the time to visit http://womtig.blogspot.com/ and help with identifying my flower I will be very greatful.
Good for you, Ruth. You go girl!
The course will provide much personal enrichment that I am sure
will be very stimulating. Seeing the William Blake book jacket gave me happy flashbacks to when I first read that classic, and makes me want to re-read it once again.
Best regards as always,
Jon in Mississippi on 9-15-07
Ruth thank you very much for you prompt reply.
I will put a link to here on my blog so I can find you with ease next time...
How exciting for you to be going to college. I am so happy for you, and know that you will do very well! Now a confession...
I have always been able to write my way out of nearly anything. When I was about 19, I went to a local community college. I took a class that I cannot remember the exact name of, but I "thought" it was a writing class. Turned out to be READING others' writings. Blech.
I got so bummed, I QUIT reading. BUT, I took copius notes and bought Cliff's Notes. The final paper was on Faust. I never read Faust, but managed to get an A++ on the paper.
Should I have admitted that?
Sounds like a good course Ruth. Don't let all those words turn you off. They'll be rolling off your tongue in no time flat.
Hi Ruth Glad you left early so u could get these nice photo's.
Good Luck enjoy the course but looks like a lot of reading and studing hope all goes well for you.
enjoy your chinese meal and bottle of red.....Jen
You wouldn't have got far on that bus Ruth . . lol. Pleased there's a car & book share going on too, it makes all the difference. Well done you & remember there's always a low point for everyone when studying so don't forget to rant, let it out & start again with a clearer head. You're gonna do just fab x x
Well done you!!! I admire you tremendously, fingers and toes crossed for you and your nights of study!!!!!!!
Good luk Ruth!
If there ar eny other books yu need, let us kno! We hav lots ov books abowt Inglish Lit. My Unkol ROy did a degree in it an dumpt all his books heer befor leevin to go work in Portugal!
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