At this time of the year although some plants are starting to fade and some parts of the garden look fairly drab there are the odd parts that seem to be thriving. While I was taking some photos on Sunday I snapped a few of my favourite views/areas. 

Do you have certain areas that are your favourites at the moment?
I've had some PC problems this week end...I'm hoping it's not going to start playing me up again.....I know I'm going to need it more than ever now for research. I hope it hasn't caught anything nasty.

Your garden views are beautiful.
It looks like spring.
I hope your computer feels better.
Hi Ruth, The varigated fuchsia stands out, is that one called Tom Thumb? Bob.
Hi Ruth - those shots of your garden are lovely. With all the chaos in my back garden at the moment I think my favourite area is the front garden which ironically has always been the most neglected. It's just shingle, granite blocks and yuccas with an orange blossom and a really unusual buddleia - plants that were dumped out there when we needed to make room out the back! It's all very zen and clean especially when compared to the builder's yard through the back gate!!
You know, you and I and possibly Bob & Dilly could probably have a blogmeet sometime :-)
Favourite part of the garden? Would have to be the bottom, next to the stream. Well it was, last time I looked. I have jobs to do in the garden which I have now to delay due to the rain.
My favourite place is looking out from the window as it's pouring down here. I suggest you stop that little yellow fellow hitting the PC with his hammer!
Your garden still looks lovely! I hope the computer behaves itself!!
Good luck with your computer. Your pictures are always a joy!
Lovely pics. Its great looking back over pics to truely see how your garden grows!!!
Right now? Hmmm. It's hard to pick a favourite, although I must admit I do have one shaded area that always make me smile! Plumbago is going gangbusters there at the moment.
I clicked on the first photo and saw it full size - gorgeous! Well done garden!
You have a beautiful garden,Ruth. It must be a joy to sit out there and do your college work I feel quite jealous (in the nicest possible way!)Have a great week!
Just lovely!
My favourite bit of my garden is the Arbour. I have two different Clematis, Jasmine and Passion Flower growing on the trellis and Ivy and Lavender in the boxes.
PS You have an award m'deario, please call by to collect it. :)
Thank Ruth for opening my eyes again to flowers, I viewed your post yesterday and went out to the local park and took some stunning pictures, I'll be showing them off soon on Wiggers World.
You have a beautiful garden !
I don't have a favorite place right down, as I'm cleaning up and restarting the garden after several years of light gardening. So there are places that I hope will be nice when springs come, but for the moment they are bare and boring. Only I know there are bulbs beneath.
wow: bc of the "messed-up" weather we still have summer in near October...
... I bet you still have yet to do any deadheading...
favourite bit?
all of it's lovely
but i would go for the POND
ruth, your garden is as beautiful as its gardener...i like to think of one's yard as an extension of our souls...they are the colors and fragrances of us...
hope all is well with you...
Isn't it funny how we have our favourite bits of our garden. Your pics are lovely, you have so many flowers still in bloom! My favourite at the moment is still the anemones :-)
You an always find such wonderful colour in a garden can't you.
But not you neighbour's garden of course
Hope your computer gets over its 'hiccups'
Yes I agree it looks like Spring where it is where I live. Actually better as we haven't had rain yet so things rather dry and yellow. One great thing though is the trees have new green leaves which always makes me feel great.
Your garden looks great at every time of year. Right now mine looks pretty sad but we didn't really try doing much this year because of all the work we had done on our house.
The deck, however, looks fantastic, as we had it stained a nice warm cedar color right before we went on vacation. So I'd say the part of my garden that looks the best is my deck. I count it as part of the garden since I have flowerpots full of impatiens, geraniums and petunias all over the place on it!
I can only dream of a garden like yours how lovely. I wrote a book "Diary of a Wannabe Gardener" that I am encouraging all of my gardening friends to read. It chronicles the humorous attempts of a woman in Mississippi to create the perfect flower garden. I bet you will enjoy the story. Check it out at Amazon.com I love your pictures. Enjoy nature and enjoy life.
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