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I was reading Katya's Life In The Bristolwood blog the other day and she mentioned she'd lost her Asters this year. As we enter Autumn I thought it only fair to tell you about some of the failures in my garden this year.
First the Brugmansia...I have 3 of them and not one single flower bud!!!.....I'd like to blame it on the weather but Libby seems to have had no problems with hers........she has some fabulous photos in her header and throughout her blog.
My Daylily which had flowers like this on last year.....

this year.......nothing!
Even the double Busy Lizzies seem jaded compared to the ones last year....
Although most of the Clematis have done really well.........the Dr Ruppel and Texansis have both succumbed to mildew and never had a second flush....
And of course there are the Photo failures....this was supposed to be my CHANGES (view from same place each month) photo for September! Don't think I kept the camera very steady.........
I try not to get to despondant at the failures though it is upsetting when you lose something special......and there's always NEXT YEAR to look forward to.
I have always called my yellow clematis Clematis Orientais, I had no idea it had another name.
I cut it back to nothing in April and thought I had finished it off, but it has come back, though not as big as usual.
I've had a ew garden failures this year but put it down to a learning curve for novices! Hears hopinf for a brighter summer next year x x
You know about my lily failures Ruth! it's comforting to know that a "master gardener" like yourself also has the odd disappointment.
Hi Ruth ~~ Sorry you have had a few failures like the rest of us. But
on the whole you have more successes
and can be proud of your garden.
I loved the indoor "Curcuma" as I have never seen it before, so I hope it comes back for you. It was nice to have you visit and enjoy some of my posts. Thank you. Stay well,
Love, Merle.
I give up on my garden a while back, which I now know to be a shame. I am going to make a real effort now to get it back in order for next year. My plot is only small and I have sheds... I am also trying to attact more wildlife in as well. I am sure I will have failures along the way, but the overall outcome as got to be better.. I can see many a visit here in the future.
Hi Ruth, I think we all had Failures our due to lack of water or I should say water restrictions No watering allowed outside from town supply, I try to keep mine alive with tank water and waste water.. but you have also had a lot of success my your photo's. i love the Curacuma I have never seen one.I hope it comes back bigger and better next season...
Sorry to hear you are disappointed with some of your plants. I can never get my dahilas to grow.I love to wander through your garden pictures they are always a pleasure.
Sara from farmingfriends
Oh what a shame Ruth. That last photograph looks like a Monet painting - I rather like it! :)
am so sorry you didn't get the same bounty of flowers as you did last year ... but like you said, there's always the next year! :)
love the last shot, too ...
kind of mysterious and haunting. :)
happy GTS!
My Dad was complaining tha none of his lillies had come up this year, he reckons it's the squirrel!
Seems that plants have these cycles and maybe next year everything will be even more spectacular. I will have to do some research on the Curcuma, I've never heard of it before. It looks so unusual.
Hi Ruth,
Just goes to show how things have been this year, but as every gardener knows...there is always next year.
Cheers Mark
The garden is always changing, isn't it? Your clematis look very happy, though!
Hi Ruth, just dropping by to check on the flowers. I loved the 'blurry' photo, it looks like a beautiful painting with a slight mist hazing it all. Loverly!
We are abandoning our garden for a couple of weeks to travel to Western Australia for the spring flower parade, which is usually spectacular.
Perhaps everything is just taking a little break this year, gaining energy for a real show in 2008.
Your garden sure looks (and does) a lot better than any garden I've ever had or will ever have. Where you have a green thumb, mine is black. "Nurse 'em and kill 'em" seems to be the outcome when I try to grow anything!
How many classes are you taking and what might they be? You'll enjoy it greatly I do believe. It's a wonderful adventure for sure.
Well i will take your failures any day!
Different years seem to suit different plants Ruth. My Nicotiana has been a total failure this year where as last year it took over the whole border, I think they got some kind of blight but I'm not sure. Bob.
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