Many thanks to Suzi-k and Julie - Succulents by J who identified my mystery plants as Pentas lanceolata.
From the site that Suzi-k mentioned in her comment and some googling it does seem that I'll have to treat it as a tender perennial here in the UK. I've potted it on into a slightly larger pot now and I'll be taking some cuttings and will try to overwinter them on my windowsills. All being well next summer (if we have sunny, warm weather) I could end up with 3ft high constantly flowering bushes! It appears that they will tolerate some shade although they bloom better with sun (don't we all...LOL) and butterflies and hummingbirds love them. I doubt I'll see any hummingbirds here in Great Cornard but any butterfly attracter appeals to me. The only drawback is that some vaireties can have rather a sprawling habit but I doubt whether mine would really get that tall and I'll be growing them in pots anyway; being self dead heading and not appearing to need any special requirements they should be quite easy to care for. Hark at me......going on about next Summer and I have to get cuttings to root and keep them alive through the winter before then! 
Wish me luck!!!!
Today I'm off to find out what the College course I'm hoping to go on will entail. I'm really quite nervous and spent ages yesterday deciding what to wear. After extensive email communication with my MUCH younger blogpal Claire I've decided to discard the cocktail dress and opt for the smart but casual look.
Good luck!!
GOOD LUCK RUTH! Will be cheering you on from up north!
Right behind you Ruth, Good luck...look forward to reading all about it
All the best Ruth. I have just popped over to another blog to have a go at the nursery rhyme quiz. Akelamula I think it is called?
Love the flower shots, so different to what I usually post. It is nice seeing what other people plant in their gardens. I am loving my hyacinths at the moment
Beautiful plant and wishing you good luck with your class!
Good luck!!!!!!!!! Excellent decision on what to wear too. ;-) Love that Penta, very pretty plant and pink is always good in my book.
Hi Ruth, Another new plant for me. I love the pink bloom. Good Luck with your course..
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