I've almost convinced myself that it is Jewelweed.....just wish I could have got closer to it instead of relying on my camera's zoom.
I was pleased to see the cattle were still about; I wondered if they may have been taken off of their grazing land due to the Foot & Mouth scare.There didn't seem to be many Dragonflies around...at least none that settled....but in the distance I could hear the sound of drums...Oh I feel a Jim Reeves song coming on...LOL. I immediately realised what it was........DRAGONBOAT RACE DAY....this event happens every year on the river as a charity fund raising event but I must have missed the advertisement saying when it was to be held. How weird that I went for a walk looking for DragonFLIES and end up seeing dragonBOATS!!!!
The teams are all from local rowing clubs or organisations and had chosen some fabulous names for themselves. The British Sugar team had called themselves "Beet Head" and the Rugby Club U17 were the "The Little Flankers".
Even our local Waitrose supermarket had a team "The Waitrose Warriors"; they were wearing Afro Style green wigs...they must have been boiling in them.
I wish I'd realised that this event was on as Leanne & co could have come over and watched it; I bet DILLY would have loved it too!
There was a beer tent...........

I'm glad these ducks got out of the way in time before one of the races started!
I'm not sure which team won as I left before all the final...........I never did get to take any Dragonfly photos while I was on my walk.....but when I got home...there in the garden was this!
and his head!!!!
It certainly was a day full of Dragons.....guess you never know when one might fly by........

Looks like you had yet another unexpected adventure & I could hear how much you enjoyed that Punch & Judy show . . . lol.
I grew up calling that orange flower in the second photo "Touch-Me-Not" because when you just barely touch the green pods they burst open, releasing the seed. My kids always considered popping them a summer treat.
Ruth, you always come thru with the most interesting things! This looks like a fun event. Enjoyed all the pictures.
Wasn't the weather glorious yesterday???????
Fantastic pictures Ruth and Punch & Judy too - that's the way to do it!!! :)
Lots wagons!
Dilly go see Wagon PArade in Yorkshire- wagons not turn up!
Dilly shud stay Sudbury next time....
What great fun, and even better that it was a surprise!
You don't happen to know what those little fishies are up top do you..?? Do you think they are sticklebacks or something..?? I was just wondering ...
Hey have you seen my New Blog ??
"Animal Crackers"
it is full of furry entertainment!!!
Thanks for dropping by and not being frightened of the dragons :o)
stacy; our normal busy lizzys do that too and the kids love popping them.
gleds; not sure, they may be roach as I know the fishermen catch them a lot in this river.
i used to see those fish a lot we caught them in jamjars as kids ... cannot for the life of me remember what they are called
"roach" sounds a bit too fishermanly and professional for these things ... far as I know they're the kind of fish that would never grow bigger than your thumb ... well that's what I thought so ...
hey have you seen the old man on youtube?
he is so funny!
and started getting really offended once he got "famous" online. one of his videos got 2.6 million hits!
then again if you put yourself on the internet in any way shape or form you can't REALLY complain if people pick it up and run with it and you DO get famous, know what I mean, especially if you're putting your face on video
have a look at him, he calls himself "Geriatric 1927" - might brighten your day!
Yep, Dilly would have loved it.
Nice to know you weren't dragon your heels!
What a fabulous day! Thanks for sharing it with us. We had a huge dragonfly in our garden a few days ago, but I enjoyed watching it too much to get any photos.
Ruth, I love dragonflies also, and enjoyed your photos of them. Years ago when I taught high school in Thailand, I enjoyed the dragonboat races there. The Thais have been doing this for centuries and have huge ancient dragon barges carved from massive teak trees. Best regards, Jon on 8-6-07
Lovely photos Ruth.
I loved the closeups of the dragonfly. I think they are like little angels.
LOL David!
Mel; they are fascinating to watch as the swoop around the garden; have you notced they seem to follow a set route.
What an excursion you took us on. Love the dragonflies. Hope the sun is still shining. Paula
A great post, Ruth :-) I'm pleased that Punch and Judy are still going, haven't seen one for years! Great dragon flies, we normally have them around the pond but hardly this year.
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