Two Birthdays today.. . daughter Lynn....
and also the 1st Birthday of this blog......a lot has happened in this last year as many of you know from my Million Stories Blog...there have been a lot of sad times during which my Blogpals supported and comforted me. For those of you who didn't Blogmeet me a year ago this is what I said in my first post............
I would describe myself as a gardenholic. I love being out in the garden come rain or shine - prefer it in the "shine". Now the kids are grown up with children of their own my nurturing tendencies I lavish on my plants. This last year has been a difficult one. I'm caring for my terminally ill husband and so have had less time to spend in our garden. All those years of effort in the past have paid dividends though because despite some neglect this year the garden has been better than any other year (mind you we gardeners say that every year!). I hope that some of the photos will be enjoyable to see for not only experienced gardeners but also for non-gardeners who will see what can be achieved in a small space with little money. This garden only a few years ago was one big concrete slab!
Would you believe there wasn't even a photo on that post!
I wanted to send you all a present but with Blogpals all over the world it would be impossible so instead I've made up this little logo (with help from Dumpr); the photo used is of part of our garden taken exactly a year ago and if any of your Blogs would care to wear it courtesy of Me, My Life, My Garden I'd be truly honoured. Hopefully the smaller version will fit into a space on your sidebar.
I've had the following words on my Million Stories blog for some time now....I'd like to repeat them here as my Thursday Thought......

I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts, or fears; but I can listen to you, and together we will search for answers. I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,nor the future with its untold stories; but I can be there now when you need me to care. I can't keep your feet from stumbling; I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall. Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine; yet I can share in your laughter. Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge; I can only support you, encourage you,and help you when you ask. I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship, from your values, from me; I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you. I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you; but I can give you the room to change, room to grow,room to be yourself. I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting; but I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces and put them back in place. I can't tell you who you are; I can only love you and be your friend.
Happy birthday, Lynn! Mom posted some wonderful photos - have a terrific day.
Yes, you did have a horrific year, all-in-all. But you're finding joy in your garden, in bringing life from the soil, in producing those beautiful blossoms from lots of hard work! You're finding joy in beauty. There's a lesson here for all of us who have undergone loss...
May this year reap joy beyond bound and more blossoms than you have vases for!!!
Hi my wonderful mummy. Thank you for the lovely photo's (still in shock)tears with some and laughter with others.
Happy Birthday to you too mummy - we are so proud of you... You are an amazing woman and we love you heaps.
Thinking of you always
All our love
Lynn and Steve
Thanks Gracie what a beautiful thought :o)
Lynnie; just got to work out out to get your pressy to you. It's over 2 ft high and alive; no it's not a giant snail!!! LOL
Mum x
Happy Birthday blog friend. What a year you have had. I had hoped to get over and visit, but I think it will have to wait a bit. I will add the logo to my side bar and thankyou for that and the creative nomination as well.
Thanks Libby...almost your blog birthday too !
Happy Birthday to your daughter Lynn and your blog. i have only been reading your blog for a short time but in that time I can see what a a lovely garden you have and what a caring person you are.
Best Wishes
Sara from farmingfriends
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! Happy Birthday!
Ruth I will put this in my sidebar with pride.
Back later, I have to prepare darling! LOL! LOL!
Thanks Sara; always glad to have you drop by :o)
MrsN; Hope the Press interview goes well! Hope to see photos; preferably autographed :o)
So much can happen in 1 year, and some years are much worse than others. You get through with loving family, good friends, grit and determination and you have all those my dear. Have a great day and I will take your badge and display it with pride. xxx
Thanks Akelamula; your kind words of these last few months have been greatly appreciated :o)
Hi Dear Ruth, Happy birthday to your daughter Lynn. and a happy blogaversary 1 year old.i will try to put your logo on my side bar . i have never added pics to my side because im not sure how to do it.
Oh wow lots of birthdays this week!!
Happy Birthday Lynn!
and Happy Blog Birthday Ruth!
Ruth I'll pop that logo on my Photo blog.
Thanks for your birthday wishes and hugs to me yesterday (well on the 22nd)...(still not sure about this time difference!)
I DID say you were a good egg, Ruth. I was right! Happy Birthday, Blog and to Lynn as well. She's a lucky one to have you in her life (I'm sure you'd say vice versa is true).
Happy birthday Lynn and happy blog birthday Ruth.
I was going to write that it has been a sad year for you, but that wouldn't be right. Reading your blog everyone can see that you have had brilliant happy times too with your loving family.
Through all the heartache you have been an inspiration to others.
Jeanette; if you have any problems let me know
Scarecrow; I'm never sure what day it for the people I visit...:o)
Annie; LOL and many thanks :o)
Jo; thanks so much for those kind words :o)
Happy Birthday to Lynn..!xxx
and Happy Birthday to your blog.
I'm so happy our paths crossed, and if I may I will take the badge you offer and post it on my blog with pride. You are one awesome woman.
Big hugs Ruth, and all my love
Thanks Sheila; wish I was closer and could give you real {HUG}
Happy Birthdy Lynn, and happy birthday dear blog! - Can't believe what an amazing blog you have created in only a year - it's an awesome place to pass some time! x
I'm popping over from Akelamalu to say HAPPY BLOGVERSARY!!!!
I've been looking through and your site is really wonderful.
Happy blogday, it's on my side-bar. xx
Thanks Auntie Noo; still not mastered 3 columns though :o)
The rotten correspondant; that's so sweet of you :o) Thankyou!
Cheers John're a star!
Happy birthday to Lynn! And happy blogoversary too. I can't believe you've only been blogging a year and look how many blogfriends you have from all over the world! And your skills are so good, knowing how to post so many types of pictures and other things too. Congratulations!
And thanks for my award! ;-) I'll comment more below.
Happy anniversary Ruth. I was just over at Vic Grace's, since she tagged me and saw your poignant comment.
I'm away so haven''t been visiting my blog pals as often as I would like. Sorry about that. It's always a joy to come and see your garden and read what you have to say.
I know it must be so difficult for you and it's an incredible adjustment for you to make after spending all that time focused on another person.
Still you can be proud that you cared for him to the best of your ability and I'm sure he was appreciative of it, even if he couldn't express it.
Take care of yourself Ruth,
I'll borrow from Akelamalu and wish you a very Happy Blogversary. Birthday wishes to your daughter - I enjoyed the slideshow.
happy blog birthday mum!! i cant believe its been a year since you started this post! its been such a sad year for all of us but we've a great mum who we all love dearly and that goes too for all your blog friends you've made along the way. well done mum! love you! great slideshow of lynn too. xxxx
Happy Birthday to Lynn!
And, Happy Birthday to your blog as well!!! I completely forgot when I began mine! Oops!
I love reading's to many, many more years of blogging!!!!
I would love to add your "egg", but my dumb template is so difficult. I need to have Mark help me!
Blessings from across the sea!
Happy Birthday to Lynn... and to YOU... (well I cannot wish it 2ur blog?.. know what I mean??) ...
those eggs remind me of roborovskis they are about the same size as hens eggs
hey do you like that tune "something stupid" as sung by robbie williams nicole kidman? i dearly wished i had got that on DVD as I think it's so funny.. i pasted it up 2day....
CONGRATULATIONS on your first year so much has happened... at least you are less isolated than you would have been without blogging (know what I mean? Not that you'd hardly be "isolated" bc you're lucky to have a big family... You know what i mean...)
Happy Birthday to Lynn! Happy Blog Day to you!
You've been such an inspiration to me and I appreciate your steadfastness....
Your visits and comments are important to me....Amy appreciated the birthday greeting...Betty
mauigirl; Thanks so much...a lot has happened this past year and one good thing that has come out of it has been making new blogfriends
jmb; so sweet of you....I admit I am finding it difficult to adjust to being alone.
Lottie; thank you SO much...{blushes}} and {{hugs}}
Julia; thanks for dropping by...glad you enjoyed the slideshow :o)
Katya; thanks for the visit...:o)
Leanne; thanks Darling...see you in a few hours :o)
Gleds; I remember Nancy Sinatra singing it! Hope the (possibly) pregnant hamsters OK :o)
Betty; many thanks for your kind words. Hope Amy had a wonderful day :o)
Many thanks to all of you who have taken the time to comment
Came over from Akelamalu's to wish your blog a happy birthday! May your next year be a terrific one with lots of happiness and great posts!
Thanks so much Linda for the visit and good wishes
Happy Birthday Lynn and a special drum roll for Ruth's first blogversary. I bet it doesn't seem like a year since you wrote that very first post Ruth.
You have been through a difficult time, but clearly the love of and for your family and garden has been a great comfort to you.
My 1st anniversary is in the next couple of weeks too, and I was thinking I might throw a blog party, of course you are invited, but you won't need to bring a gift as you are presenting the gorgeous egg to all your friends. I hope I'm not being presumptious in accepting it for my own sidebar.
Ruth ... you rock!
Belated happy birthday to Lynn, hope she had a great day.
Very happy blogbirthday to you Ruth,The way youve handled and coped with what has been a difficult year to say the least has left me humbled and full of respect and admiration for you.
The badge youve created is beautiful, I would be proud to display this one my sidebar, Thank you XX Auds
Happy Birthday Lynn & A Million Stories. Ruth it has been a pleasure to share your last twelve months so here's to many, many more. Thanks or the blog pressy too x x x xx
Happy Birthday to Lynn and happy blog birthday to you, Ruth!
Happy Birthday Lynn! Isn't it funny how fast they grow up? My oldest is 32 and I can still remember what he smelled like fresh out of his bath & baby powdered!
Happy Birthday to your blog! The Portrait Of A Friend is beautiful.
Ali; Shall look forward to your blog party :o) and thanks for accepting the egg
Auds; Thanks so much; you and my other blogpals have helped me through many a difficult time :o)
Thanks Shaz; you're a great pal to have :o)
CG; thanks so much and looking forward to more of your holiday photos :o)
Thanks Skittles; I love the smell of baby powder...a few other baby smells I remember too that weren't quite so nice...LOL
Happy belated birthday to Lynn and also to your nice garden blog, from Fruity. Keep digging, it will bear fruits, cheers!
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