Don't worry the postman didn't leave any nasty surprises in my mail...the bills are all duck BILLS! Yesterday I went to the Duck Race and Fun Day in aid of St Andrew's Church . There was plenty to do and see especially for the could decorate your own duck hat, sponsor a duck in the race, have a go on the rides and even buy candyfloss and popcorn!
I'm not a church goer anymore (long story) but the new vicar and his wife certainly seemed to have put the ZING into the Christian population...they are not at all the staid vicar and wife of the days of my youth when I was choir girl, Sunday school teacher etc. They are really hands on and thoroughly modern.....the Vicar's wife even has dreadlocks!....
and Father Jamie himself seems to be quite a hit with the local community
The weather was lovely and it was nice to lounge around on the grass
There was a beer tent....
and somewhere for those who had drunk a little too much to lie down....LOL
I managed to win a rabbit and teapot on the soft toy stall and the tombola..........
There was a Karate display...both adults and children took part...
and I know who to call if I ever need some bricks broken!!!!!!!
Chris had a kick about with one of his nephews...limbering up for the Tug O' War
In the first Tug o' war the teams were rather unbalanced....little kids versus big kids
after the first round Father Jamie and a couple of Dad's helped out and the little kids won!!!!
and there was a slight problem when some of the Boat trips needed to get across the finishing net....
but slowly the ducks made their way..............
the first one neared the the finish......
and we have a WINNER! The nearest we can get to a "claim to fame" with our ducks is that Chris's cousin's duck came 9th.
It was a really enjoyable day and the weather was perfect...not too hot and not too cold...Divine Intervention????..................and Manda made a new friend.....I'm not sure what flower this moth thought Manda's legs were!
Today Leanne and co are coming to stay for a few days so I won't have much chance for blogvisiting.......Hmmmmm...I wonder if I can drag them out to the bowling alley................
The weather was lovely and it was nice to lounge around on the grass

Then it was the turn of Chris and his mates..........
they lost came second which I think quite pleased them as they won a case of beer rather than a silver cup!
Now it was time for the major attraction...the DUCK RACE! ..on your marks, ready, get set, go!
and 3000...yes 3 THOUSAND...small rubber ducks started to float down the river.....
despite the efforts of the canoeists who did their best to free them...a few got caught in the rushes............

Now it was time for the major attraction...the DUCK RACE! ..on your marks, ready, get set, go!

What a great day out! I love the determination to win on those faces! Glad you won something on the tombola.
I actually left my church because of the ministers wife. Long story but...we have a new minister and wife so I hope to go back and see what they are like!
Wow what a wonderful day out - and fantastic photos - I can't take my eyes off them all.
Didn't you all do well with your prizes. What a fantastic blue your teapot is!
2nd prizes in competitions are often the best - as the first usually gets the - and beer is so much nice and you can share it too. Cups take so much polishing and dusting LOL
Enjoy your family staying and forget about blogging - enjoy your time with them - back to school next week like ours?
You must have posted a comment on my blog just as I was uploading the step by step eggie photos LOL
If ever you need them they are there.
It is so good to see you out and about - brilliant - I can't tell you how thrilled I am.
It must be doing wonders for rebuilding you confidence and going out and about. You are such an inspiration to us allxxx
I love the idea o the duck race & quack, quack to who ever the winner may have been . . . lol
It makes such a change having sun on a Bank Holiday weekend. Pleased you all had a good day & more fun to come with Leanne & Co. x x x x
This is lovely post, Ruth, really good fun :-) Did you ever see your duck again :-) My favourite pick in the duck through the long leaves. Have fun today too!
Looks like a lot of fun for all and I really enjoyed the photos!
Oh that looks like just the best fun day! - I bet there were so many giggles! Great to see a vicar and his wife at the heart of a community - church goer or not, it's a great way to build some community spirit!
..they won a case of beer instead of a silver cup..
That'd be the prize I'd prefer too!
What a great day you had Ruth. Love the teapot.
You only ywant to go to the bowling alley so you can 'whup'em' again!
I think you may have already received this award but I think you deserve this as my main daily read, go check it out x x x
What a terrific day! I loved seeing your pictures, as always!
Those poor folks that passed out after having a beer look like they need a little life breathed into them, eh? hehehe
Your prizes look wonderful! Love the blue teapot!
I love duck races. They are so colorful and what could be more fun than seeing them in the water?
Have a wonderful visit!!!
Sounds like a super day out. Nice to see a proper community fete!!!
Sounds like you had a great time Ruth, I love the idea of the duck race!!
Let's hope you manage to get bowling now you have a new found zest for it!!
We had a duck race here a couple of weeks ago. I think they're so much fun and the children just love them!
I especially like the way you tell such wonderful stories with your photos...thanks!
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