The Rain In Cornard Falls Mainly......DOWN!
First congratulations to Skittles as it's her 1st Blogbirthday; if you've never visited her you've missed a treat. Already she's clocked up over 2000 posts! I promised I'd make a cake for her with a surprise in...hope she enjoys it!!!!
The weather's been downright awful the last few days....our little bit of England hasn't seen a trace of sun...though I understand from some of your comments that other parts of the UK may have fared better. I've hardly got into the garden at all as it's been tipping down all depressing. Only one new flower in bloom and I can't show you that as I need it for my Green Thumb Sunday post!
I've also found myself making comfort foods like Lancashire Hotpot and Chicken Casserole and have been so close to putting the central heating on.......

I'm off to Leanne's today.......we've been keeping our fingers crossed that Phil would get the GCSEs he needed to get his College place.......AND HE GOT 8!!!!....WELL DONE PHIL. So today he has to go to the College for enrolment and Leanne, the girls and I are going along too! With Phil being 16 years old he doesn't actually need his Grandmother, Mother and Sisters to hold his fact we won't be going into the college with's just that the college is quite close to Matalans and gives us an excuse for a Window Shop!!!...who knows we may even pick up a few bargains. We had hoped to walk back through Colchester Park but once again the forecast is rain and more rain but I'm taking my camera anyway!
I couldn't get on the Internet till gone midnight; will catch up with all your posts when I get home tonight.
If you didn't get a chance to visit my Blogbirthday post yesterday....please scroll down and pick up your gift. Many, many thanks to those of you who have been kind enough to do so already.
We can all accomplish lots on a rainy day. We actually had a bit of rain here today and I made a sewing project that I've been meaning to do for ages. Have you seen The Crafty Side of me?
Ruth, here in the Bristolwood, we received some (much NEEDED) rain today. The only problem is, it all came at ONCE!!! What ever happened to a nice steady S-L-O-W rain? Yesterday, I had to turn the filter off in the pool, as I could no longer fill it with our well water. I told Mark we NEED rain. And, it came today! So, we have the filter working again. Phew!
You have gotten so much rain! I am afraid others will throw rotten tomatoes at me, but I LOVE weather! Thunderstorms, downpours, lightening, snowstorms...I love them all! But, with all the rain you have gotten, methinks I might be calling "uncle! already!!!!"
Skittles should enjoy that cute cake!
A late "Happy Blog Birthday to You" and thank you for the gift!
Ruth, the rain is getting us down, but we had a good frolic to cheer ourselves up. Come over and join in- we videod it to inspire others. Wa-heyyyy!
8 GCSE's, well done Phil.
As for the weather - well what can I say, my little bit of England has fared no better Ruth but I guess that's what I get for living in the 'Garden', it always needs rain.
Hi, I found your blog via Jeanette's. I too am a dragon, but I think a full cycle before you. Never mind. We were in England earlier this year, mostly in East Anglia, but we love all of the country, including Scotland and Wales. I keep trying to convince him to live in Britain for 12 months, but he won't. Ah well, can't have everything.
Lucky you and all that rain! We wish!
Nice to meet you!
Weather not too good here today, however I have stripping to do and I need to take Wilma for a long walk....I have some thinking to do...yes I have been tagged, so watch my could be you next! LOL!
What a shame you've had so much rain Ruth, it's been glorious here all week. I suppose it will be our turn for the rain next week!
Have a great day - hope you get some bargains at Matalan. x
Many congratulation to Phil. Well done young man!!!!!
Loved the photo slide Ruth, despite the rain you tell a great story with your pictures..
Enjoy browsing in Matalan and hopefully the sun will shine soon.
XX Auds
I can truly sympathise with your rainy day blues, as we have had no summer to speak of, with the wettest June and July on record for the past 70 years.
I have enjoyed catching up with your previous posts. Congratulations on your 1st birthday :)
Your post on slugs and snails was a very interesting read. You will definitely need to acquire a hedgehog or two :)
Very interesting-looking spider too...maybe a zebra spider?
The sun video was a great laugh...thanks for sharing :)
Well done Phil. We've had nothing but rain until yesterday & a forcast of a heat wave over the weekend so BBQ at the ready. Good on ya for looking at a higher education course Ruth, I'm sure you'll choose well & do fabulously. x x x
Gday Ruth. Your getting all that rain for your Garden and we need it badly, Were not allowed to water outsde using a hose ,and I have to bucket water my plants. thats one ugly spider,
My daphne has got a lovely perfume
Well done, Phil and well done Skittles.
And a very happy blogbirthday to you, Ruth
You are very special to us all ....
Despite the rain you manage comfort cooking like me - makes you feel better just doing that doesn't it? Wonderful insect spiders - and what a fantastic cake - love the filling - you are such a computer whizz kid - you could teach!
I totally agree about the depressing rain - I am usually bright and bubbly but my bubbles getting a bit flat with the dark days, torrential rain and cold nights.
Didn't Phil do well - I can just picture all you 'girls' lined out outside and him doing that young man growing up thing = rolling his eyes and trying to pretend you all don't belong to him - at least that is what my sons did at that age.
Have a brilliant day - would love to be with you in Matalans - never been there before and not one near me.
Be sure to show us your 'bargains' if you spot any.
Oh Ruth, hope you get some sunshine for the BH. And that Phil got on ok at college and you found some Mastalan bargains!
Ohhh! Thank you for the cake! It's exactly the right flavor! (Wink.)
Crafty Gardener; shall pay your "crafty side" a visit very soon.
Katya; glad you got the rain you needed...I always wish for a nice steady rain between midnight and sun up and sun the rest of the time :o) I do enoy a good thunderstorm myself after really hot weather...but just the ONE! :o)
Dot; glad you liked the gift and thanks for your good wishes :o)
B.T.Bear...loved your video..LOL
Ali; thanks...sunshine next week I hope :O)
Helen so nice of ou to drop time you're in East Anglia we'll have to meet up! :o)
Mrs.N.; alias "Patricia the Stripper" Bet Wilma enjoyed her walk :o)
Akela; hope it's our turn for the sun soon...sure there's enough to share :o)
Auds; I enjoyed my Matalan shop...will blog about my bargain over the weekend :o)
Wildlife gardener; glad you enjoyed the post...I so wish a hedgehog family would move in! :o)
Shaz; fingers crossed for glorious BBQ weather :o)
Jeanette; can almost smell your Daphne from here...wish I could mail you some rain :o)
David; aw thanks {blush} :o)Lottie; such lovely comments...thanks.. I must admit Phil did walk a few yards behind us...LOL
CG; thanks...and yes I did get some bargains :o)
Skittles; thought you'd enjoy the cake ...LOL
Nice cake! Can I have one too?
Love the cake! :)
How strange... it's been raining here too but I hardly noticed as much ...
... who knows you might get some excellent pictures even in the rain ..??..
Hi Ruth, its amazing to hear that you are having such terrible weather! Here it's been baking hot again and if I could I would send some of it to you as I know how you like to be out in your garden doing stuff. Maybe it will pick up for you soon. Bob.
hello ruth (claire's sister here) heather, still trying to get my head around all this. your garden looks beautiful!!!!!!( you are more than welcome to come up to scotland and work on mine(its a blank canvas) you could help me win the best garden, the top competitiors live around the corner, ha ha!!!! and your church fete looked great fun, photos are very good!! i went to the marque church service up here when we had a gala week(my friends girls were singing) and i just got scared for life as they were telling me to reach out for jesus( the normal lords prayer lasted 15mins as they were trying to make me reach out, but i did not give in, the whole experience was crazy!!!!) anyway thats my first babble on someones page other than claires!!! take care, H x
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